Good Grindcore Bands

Terminus Est said:
Hey J, so I assume you also have the Born With Teeth and Nematoid: Specimen Parts V-VIII demos? I sure would like to have BWT and NS V-VIII somehow.

The only complete Scald albums I have are Headworm and Nematoid: Specimen Parts I-IV.

The rest, well I have only the "Vanishing Point" song from Nematoid V-VIII.

I also have only two songs from BWT, and they are "Maggot Farmer" and "Confusexcremental" which I am listening to right now.

So J, is there any way I can get the complete BWT and Nematoid: Specimen Parts V-VIII demos? And maybe also perhaps the "Rancid Fuckhole" demo?
Yeah, I've got everything from the band. I've got Born With Teeth, the two Nematoids, Rancid Fuckhole on CD-r (with inserts) and Headworm. I've also got a CD-r (with all proper inserts) of the band (TVP I think the name is) before they became Scald.

I got some of them directly from the band since the demos are completely sold out. I don't have a cd-burner, so your best bet is to contact the band directly.

one of the band members (Paul) is always visiting the Royal Carnage forum on UM and posts under the name unhinged. He'd probably be willing to burn you some copies.

Here is where I got my Born With Teeth copy:[s-t]

They have all three demos listed (email the guy for stock). BWT costs me $6 postage paid.

I do know Scald is planning a fucked-up instrumental thing before the next full-length, and they are also pondering re-releasing all demo material on a 2CD set.

Search in the Royal Carnage archives, and you'll find tons of Paul's updates and Scald news.