Good guitar simulation


Sep 8, 2010
Knoxville, TN
So I'm mixing some Emmure/Acacia Strain type band and I need a good simulation for these dry guitar tracks I have here.

So far...

used their real reamp tracks and they sounded like doo-doo because of bad equipment and lack of experience on my end == tossed

StudioDevil which sounded really good at first but then sounded really really bad

Guitar Rig 4 which also sounded really great but, to all of those familiar with GuitarRig, sounded incredibly not aggressive.

and then finally I tried the onboard eleven rack sounds...from my eleven rack. They sounded alright but still not great.

I'm going to buy an ilok/pod farm tomorrow unless you guys can stop me right now by giving me some pro tips for my nEwB a$$

Also, the recurring theme here is that I always end up with not smooth character on the amp (bumpy sounding gain) and HUGE midrange which also adds to the no-balls/rough gain sound.
TSE X30 is still my fav. freebie

the lecto is pretty cool so far too, but X30 just does it for me with a good impulse...