GOOD guitar teachers in Melbourne.


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
I'm calling out for help from all the fellow Melbourne Sneapsters.
This is MY year. If I don't become a huge leap closer to being the guitarist that I want to be this year then I probably never will. I'm sick of feeling below the level I want to be.

So please help me, recommend me some guitar teachers in Melbourne that can kick my ass into gear and set me up over a 2 or 3 month period so that I can set myself up with focus and goals for the rest of the year and have some help with cleaning up my technique (less tension, more speed, more control and better bends/vibrato).

I'm basically looking for Melbournes version of Gus G, Mike/ Chris Ammot, Olof Morck, Åkerfeldt, etc.

Help me find someone to kick my arse cunts! :lol:

Oh yeah, thanks in advance.
Jump on a train and go see Doug Steele.

I'd love to live in Melbourne so I could get lessons from him, dude is a beast.

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Haha, Shred Durst.
I see his rates are reasonable and he also has a webiste with lessons. Thanks for the rec.

Anyone else feel like giving me some options?

I emailed him about his lessons website and he said he'd really only be covering basic technique stuff for now (though this was a while ago), so if you wanted to go more advanced and more in depth you'd probably be better served by having one-on-one lessons.
Yeah I got that feeling after checking out the website and seeing that it's a paid access only. If I'm going to spend the cash then I will just get personal lessons tailored to my requirements.
I've had that experience a fair few times in my past. I managed to find some amazing players, that weren't all too good at passing that down to their students. It's worth understanding that being a great player, and a great teacher are two totally different disciplines, and one needs to be good at the latter more than the former in order to be effective for you!

If you find one, let me know ;)
If you are still looking for someone, I would be more than happy to give you a free class using Skype. Just shoot me an email and we can schedule one :)

I have students from Australia, and all over the world for that matter and it works great.

Just let me know (You can hear one of my students and I playing together on the first song here:
Dude, contact Mark Evans from Alarum.
He's a great guy, his chops are absolutely ridiculous and I'm sure he wouldn't mind a little extra cash; knows his shit!

Actually something like that wouldn't be a bad idea. Even the long haired guitarist from A Million Dead Birds Laughing has sone pretty sick chops!

If you are still looking for someone, I would be more than happy to give you a free class using Skype. Just shoot me an email and we can schedule one :)

I have students from Australia, and all over the world for that matter and it works great.

Just let me know (You can hear one of my students and I playing together on the first song here:

That is a really great offer Zack and I'd love to take you up on it sometime!

I have a few options to look at from this thread and PM's I've received.
I'll give myself untill the end of Feb to hammer away at this on my own and recover further from a two month break I took from playing (I started playing again at the start of Jan) so that I'm not all rusty and get the most out of any lesson.

Thanks everyone!
Mark is absolutely bullshit man - definitely worth looking into; he's also a fabulous teacher as well.

Ben Boyle (like you mentioned) has some fucking sick chops that's for sure. Can't wait to play with those dudes in April
You know that thought has crossed my mind.
Like with bend + vibrato above the bend. Seeing people do it is believable, but how the hell is one suppose to practice that? It will sound liek shit for years until you get it!!
Just practice bending. Hit the target note then bend up to it in semi tones all the way down to two tones or as far as you can go. Get to learn how much effort is required on different strings and neck locations.
Doug Steele is now the new guitarist from Alarum. just announced