Good luck to Turkey !!

of course Turkey won't make it to the finals. The brasilian federation paid a lot of money to win the world cup. Turkey could never win against that kind of fair play. All possible competitors (Belgium, Italy, Spain) have already been unrightfully banned from the tournament.

Anyway, I keep hoping for a miracle. Turkey must butcher those Brasilian wimps.
:lol: How about the Tunisian federation? :heh:
Surely the Brasilian Federation payed a lot to send Ronaldinho off :rolleyes:
Funny that Brazil could firmly stand up from 0-1 against Turkey and Brasil; probably it would have never happened against mighty Belgium :p
And tell me wise Jan, to who did Brazil send all that money?
Originally posted by Evilho
:lol: How about the Tunisian federation? :heh:
Surely the Brasilian Federation payed a lot to send Ronaldinho off :rolleyes:
Funny that Brazil could firmly stand up from 0-1 against Turkey and Brasil; probably it would have never happened against mighty Belgium :p
And tell me wise Jan, to who did Brazil send all that money?

Listen, the way we were playing that day, Brasil would have had a very very hard time to equalize and to score an 2nd goal. And it's fucking perverse that you support Brazil like that. :mad: Let's talk about mighty Hungary, no? Too bad, they haven't come up with a decent team since their victory in the bull's head cup in 1249.
Originally posted by Eclipse
Listen, the way we were playing that day, Brasil would have had a very very hard time to equalize and to score an 2nd goal. And it's fucking perverse that you support Brazil like that. :mad: Let's talk about mighty Hungary, no? Too bad, they haven't come up with a decent team since their victory in the bull's head cup in 1249.

1. If you think that a goal in the 20th minute can guarantee the victory not against the best team in the world such as Brasil but against any other team, you're wrong.
2. If you think it's outrageous unusual or weird that one team attacks and the other scores the goals then I advice you to watch a little football between two World Cups as well. (As an example, may I remind you that Wilmot's header was the result of the only Belgian chance in the first half)
3. If you think that the game would have been the same in the second half if Belgium has the 1-0 lead at half time, you're most probably mistaken.
4. If you think there's a conspiracy theory concerning Brasil in this World Cup, you're very funny :lol: (and that's exactly what I say to Lytta and all other Brasilians too who claim they've lost to France in 1998 because of cheating)
5. Why perverse, man? They're the only outstanding team on this World Cup, I have family ties to Brazil, and besides, what's so perverse about pointing out the ridiculousness of your original post.
6. Yeah man lately we lose, that's part of sports, but at least we know how to lose. You don't seem to.
7. If you remember I was delighted when Belgium managed to save the game against Japan, achieved that draw against Tunisia and finally sent Russia home. Just in case you'd think I'd be overly subjective.
8. Have a good long sleep, I've read you're having a bad day :)

Hmmm, as Ronaldo is injured and the Brasilian football mafia made Ronaldinho suspended for nothing for the semi finals ;), there's a great chance for Turkey. This is going to be the most interesting game of the WC. The teams have got to know each other by now, they have things to settle, they're playing for the title now and there're no more games to correct the mistakes.
Btw did you see that, Ilhan Mansiz dived in the penalty area, just like Luizão :rolleyes: :heh:
There's no relationship between Ilhan's and Luizao's penalty adventures. Ilhan didn't dive, he lost his balance inside the area, and therefore he wasn't yellow carded and there was no penalty. Luizao was pulled outside the area, he dived inside the area, and there was somehow a penalty!

I'd like to make full use of my precious time and have a couple of words for those people who gave us no chance against Senegal:
And a couple more words for those people who think we do not stand a chance against Brazil:

Thank you, good night.
Ilhan did lose his balance, true, but he made himself losing his balance :D At the moment he hit the ground he looked back at the ref then started to make disappointed faces ;)
One more difference between Ilhan and Luzão is that in the case of Luizão there WAS a fault by the defender so practically we can't call that a dive. The fault was outside but he fell inside and it was up to the ref to award the penalty :p But, of course, as I've already told you, I was hoping Rivaldo would miss the shot! :ill:
Anyway, i just mentioned this Ilhan case for the fun & tease nothing else, so let's not go deep into it :D

Are you still in Budapest? How is/was it?
I haven't seen my city in 9 months :cry:
Budapest is more beautiful than the last time I saw it. Maybe it's because of people walking around with Turkish shirts, supporting the Turkish team in cafes and pubs, celebrating the Turkish victory out in the streets :)

Btw, Ivi, I guess NOW we are one of the commanding forces of world football. But if you insist that the World Cup semi-finals are not "objective" criteria to judge a team, I'm ready to hear your "own" opinion ;) :D

edited to add: if you give me a serious reply, I swear I'll set up a tent in the middle of Budapest, wait till you arrive here, chew Athena's cheeks, bite her armpits, kick your ass till it bleeds, than return to Istanbul :mad:
Originally posted by Evilho

Hmmm, as Ronaldo is injured and the Brasilian football mafia made Ronaldinho suspended for nothing for the semi finals ;), there's a great chance for Turkey. This is going to be the most interesting game of the WC. The teams have got to know each other by now, they have things to settle, they're playing for the title now and there're no more games to correct the mistakes.
Btw did you see that, Ilhan Mansiz dived in the penalty area, just like Luizão :rolleyes: :heh:

Yes,I am hopeful for the match even if ronaldo plays..:)
Because when our team thinks that there is something done unfair to them they use their revenge chance in th epositive way..
You may say that there has been nothing done unfair and brazil helped turkey by winning against c.rica but the team doesn't think so..
Originally posted by IRoN
Btw, Ivi, I guess NOW we are one of the commanding forces of world football. But if you insist that the World Cup semi-finals are not "objective" criteria to judge a team, I'm ready to hear your "own" opinion ;) :D

edited to add: if you give me a serious reply, I swear I'll set up a tent in the middle of Budapest, wait till you arrive here, chew Athena's cheeks, bite her armpits, kick your ass till it bleeds, than return to Istanbul :mad:

In my opinion Turkey has been one of the commanding forces of European football since 2000, without doubt. (And it's incredible that just 10-15 years before Turkish football was on the level of Albania.) Sure without a good WC-run you can't become a World power that fast (on the long run you can, like Holland, who couldn't even make it to the WC but one may assume they're not at all worse than any teams in the semi-final - and definitelybetter than Germany or South Korea). Yes, a few days ago Turkey undeniably became a world football power.
However, let me add + and - notes.
+ In this sick World Cup, Turkey gained much respect from all around the world for making it to the semis without any significant referee "help". This fact justifies the top 4 place even for those who think that there's no way that Turkey would be one of the 4 strongest teams in the world.
+ Beating the hosts and making it clear that they're much better than Senegal.


- it's not Turkey's fault, but let's look at the road to semis: Costa Rica, China, Japan, Senegal. This rather looks like a qualifier group. The same goes to Germany (Ireland - of course they couldn't beat them, Saudi Arabia, Cameroon, Paraguay, USA), who even had awful luck with the semi final opponent too. :mad: Probably the first time in history that this can happen (thanks FIFA for putting Japan and South Korea in cap 1...).
- Extreme luck that Turkey could avoid European teams (I think i'm not wrong when I say the Turkish style of football is not exactly European)

So, in other words I think Croatia did a more outstanding job in France reaching the semi finals (beating Romania (16) and Germany 3-0 (8) but this doesn't mean I'd want to belittle Turkey's achievements in any way. Sure there was plenty of luck involved with the opponents, but I think Turkey would have been able to knock out much better teams as well.

I'll be there at the tent on the 14th of July :mad:
Originally posted by BARBARIAN
Because when our team thinks that there is something done unfair to them they use their revenge chance in th epositive way..
You may say that there has been nothing done unfair and brazil helped turkey by winning against c.rica but the team doesn't think so..

Well only that won't be enough. Be sure that Brazil wants to win that game too :D I think indivually Brazil is way superior than Turkey, and they're improving as a team as well with their brilliant coach Scolari. Of course anything can happen - we're in the world cup.
Well, avoiding European teams is a misfortune for us, so you're a bit mistaken there. We do a lot better against European teams, and teams from other continents are usually of the black-box type for us. I have to admit we are still lucky to have avoided the likes of France and Argentina, but hell, we had Brazil in our group! And Costa Rica was not too bad either. Japan was definitely a tough nut, and they have proved it more than once at the group stage, but we have an interesting infamy for knocking out host nations,so... :s
And Senegal... I believe they made it this far because their opponents underestimated them. And as they reached the quarter finals, people began to overestimate them. We knew who they were, and beating them was not too difficult for us. Overall, I agree that the journey so far was relatively easier than the standard path to the World Cup semi-finals.
But, there's this single fact of logic: Only the better teams (or teams on better form) qualify to the next round. We met teams that managed to defeat other powerful teams in previous rounds. Judging from this aspect, I see no difference between having Argentina as our opponent and having a team that disqualified Argentina to become our opponent. In fact, the latter should prove to be a tougher opponent, but there are elements such as luck and referee mistakes that serve to even out this issue.

One final point: I agree that Brazil has better individual skills than Turkey, but they are not "way" better. The first match in the group phase serves my statement. The Turks have the potential to eliminate Brazil, and they have the potential to do it easier than some would refuse to believe. I think that the game will be a clash of equal powers, the defensive skills are equal, Brazil are absolutely better on the variety of attackers while Turkey are slightly better at the midfield, and the better goalkeeper certainly belongs to the Turks. Confidence is at an all-time high at our side while Brazil never lacked full confidence along the course of this tournament. Team play is equal, as are coaching skills. Brazil is more advantaged in the spirit, because they have refused to get any award for winning the title as their country is in an economic crisis. They play solely for football and their nation. Our players have got $100.000 per head only for qualifying to the second round, and they expect more for going into the final. I'm sure the football gods will consider this when they decide on that vital angle the freekick bounces from the post. There's also the psychological advantage of a return match serving the Turks. No matter how professional you are, when you beat your opponent by a little margin at the wrong whistle of a referee, you have the anxiety of the next match where you have to take them on again (with steam rushing out of their nostrils) without the help of that wrong whistle. Roberta (mis-spelled on purpose) Carlos had said they only needed to play 40% of their potential to beat Turkey in the group opener. Now I'm sure he thinks how he will exert the 140% effort required to knock out the Turks this time.
I laughed a lot to this :lol:

ANALYSIS Turkey unites for backslapping carnival

Sunday 23rd June 2002

by Michael Severn

When Ilhan Mansiz side-footed his golden goal on Saturday, the whole of Turkey shrieked in unison. It is doubtful that the screaming could be heard in Senegal, but the possibility should not be ruled out.

Retired referee Sadik Deda once told me that a goal is football's orgasm and this was surely the national orgasm to end them all. After the final whistle, I hit the streets, as did the rest of the Mediterranean resort of Antalya.

They full of people with faces painted red and white, bedecked with stars and crescents, making the city look like a demented convention of wizards.

At a crossroads on Cebesoy Street, there was complete confusion as convoys of flag-waving vehicles converged from three different directions and drivers tried to figure out which was the best convoy to join.

Further along, outside our local fish restaurant, tourists joined hands with waiters and cooks to dance a traditional Turkish "halay" to the accompaniment of exploding firecrackers.

Up the road at the newsagent's, the raki was flowing and the owner was in tears. He kissed me damply on both cheeks and refused to accept payment for my papers.

Back on the street, a car carrying a couple of newly-weds was caught in the traffic chaos. The bride in her wedding dress was doing her bit by waving a Turkish flag from the rear window.

A little further north, Ali Cetinkaya Street, a major thoroughfare, had been closed to traffic by a group of around 300 dancing fans. The traffic police were taking a laid-back attitude. I counted six of them among the dancers.

I walked on to the city's major crossroads at the top of Ataturk Street to find another huge group jumping up and down in the air like pogoing 1970s punks. "Samba dancers, wait for us," they chanted, a reference to Turkey's semi-final opponents Brazil.

Meanwhile, I was suffering a bruising. People mistaking me for a German kept slapping me on the back and telling me they wanted "your team" for the final.

Over on Cumhuriyet Square, the heart of the city, Antalya's famous equestrian statue of Ataturk, founder of the modern Turkish republic, was festooned with flag wavers like unlikely birds on an unlikelier tree.

Beneath them was being danced the most chaotic halay of the lot. On the fringes of the melee, people were queueing up to pat the head of a small boy with an Umit Davala-style mohican haircut.

A complete stranger thrust an opened can of beer into my hand and addressed me in German. "Drink it for us," he shouted above the din when I switched to Turkish. "We deserve it!"

Drinking in public outside of licensed premises is illegal in Turkey but nobody seemed to be giving too much of a damn.

There was a similar episode as I walked back towards Ataturk Street. As I paused to take photographs of a street full of red-and-white clad leaping lunatics, my already suffering back took another slap.

"Take your pictures!" the slapper cried. "Show Europe the strength of Turkey!"

The traffic police had got their act together finally. They had reopened Ali Cetinkaya but closed Ataturk which had been taken over by a slow-moving, chanting procession.

In a country where football remains essentially a male bastion, there were as many women in the crowd as men. In the summer heat, the miniskirts were out in force but there were also women in traditional Turkish Muslim garb with flowered headscarves.

I even spotted a couple wearing Iranian-style black chadors marching with their menfolk.

The World Cup has united the country as it has not been united in years.

The economy remains a disaster and the coalition government lurches from crisis to crisis. Two days before the Senegal match, the country's sixth-largest bank went into receivership.

As perhaps never before, Turks need something to feel good about and football is providing the feelgood factor.

On Sunday morning a headline in daily Milliyet said it all. "Oh my God," it read. "What happiness is this?"

If a quarter-final victory can turn a nation into a giant street party, what will happen if Turkey beat Brazil? I don't want to think about that. My back cannot take much more.
Basically we agree on everything. Damn :mad:

I think a lot will depend on how will Brasil be able to substitute Ronaldinho Gaúcho. Scolari said he has 4 alternatives for that. I think he will put Ricardinho in his place, maybe Juninho Paulista. Ricardinho would be a great choice.

And yes, Scolari is brilliant. I've seen that myself. Sure, back in Europe I had read every kind of shit about him. Well, I rather believe my own judgement :) So far all the decisions concerning the WC proved to be perfect, despite press' efforts to bash him and make him look like a fool (like the Romario-case).