Gujukal Member May 19, 2012 490 0 16 Sweden Oct 12, 2013 #1 Just wondering if anyone knows any nice VSTi with middle-eastern instruments like Sitars and stuff? I've heard a lot of those types of instruments in a lot of new djent/progressive metal bands lately and i just wonder what they use.
Just wondering if anyone knows any nice VSTi with middle-eastern instruments like Sitars and stuff? I've heard a lot of those types of instruments in a lot of new djent/progressive metal bands lately and i just wonder what they use.
Vice//Versa Dude among dudes May 5, 2013 266 0 16 California Oct 12, 2013 #2 Impact Sound Works takes pride in sampling exotic instruments and I know they have sitas in their collection... haven't purchased them though.
Impact Sound Works takes pride in sampling exotic instruments and I know they have sitas in their collection... haven't purchased them though.
oroinvictus dangert billy Apr 15, 2010 2,047 0 36 eugene, oregon Oct 12, 2013 #3 Kontakt comes with some some pretty nice instruments.
Gujukal Member May 19, 2012 490 0 16 Sweden Oct 13, 2013 #4 Gonna check Impact Sound Works out! orionvictus: I got the version without any stock instruments :/
oroinvictus dangert billy Apr 15, 2010 2,047 0 36 eugene, oregon Oct 14, 2013 #5 Ahh fair enough, like Vice Versa said I would check out Impact Sound works in that case.