Got a haircut, pissed of my g/f! Is it that damn bad? Pics inside!


How about Fat Bald Singers with Chin Hair?

No The Old People are Not in my band.
I have had to deal with girlfriends that would love to imagine me with my long hair back but it isn't coming back. I joined the same club as Scottie in that I came to the realization from seeing my relatives on my Mom's side that it was going to be comb over city if I kept it. I see many people that were smart early off and shaved it like me trying to regrow the glory in their 30's and they are in denial as they know that it won't look the same long as it did in their teens but they won't admit it.
GregadetH said:
So she asked me to grow it back out. That was October. It was short as fuck then. I finally reached the point where I was sick of my hair taking forever to dry b/c it's so damned thick. Solution, cut that shit. Fuck it. My hair was to my ass in H.S. - been there, done that.





Yeah, I'm Irish. And yes, the sun is my mortal enemy.:Spin:

So, what's the big deal? I really don't see any difference.

:yuk: Aagh. No more man pics please
Yeah, I've had my goatee in various forms for the past 5 years. I see it going nowhere. At one point for 2 of those years I attempted the Ian-esue super long chin hair and I dyed it blood red. My son fell asleep on my chest w/ gum in his mouth and there went most of that.
shorter is better...why do guys want long hair like women anyhow ?

just doesnt seem right to me.

i fear the mullet.