got in a fight

Oct 13, 2003
NL - Gelderland
Today some dude in my class kept calling me a racist and stuff, and if im something not its beeing a at one point i couldnt take it anymore i told him a couple of times to shut the fuck up, so i hit him on the nose and it starts bleeding like hell and now im the bad guy of the class...stupid mfs

now my hand normally not an agressive persons but just dont work on my nerves for a whole fucking day...

did you ever got in a fight?
when i was 5 i beat up my older brother til he cried, because he said he had torn up one of my paper doll books. turned out he was lying. but i taught him not to fuck with me :tickled:

maybe that's what's wrong with him today...nah, he was still normal for many years after that.
well kinda, but the girl was just malicious. she'd been going after my little sister through her boyfriends. my sister, stephanie, was "going out" with a boy last year then found out that he was "cheating" (aka having phone sex or something) with that girl, casey. so, she's pissed but that becomes water under the bridge and all.

then this past may my sister is dating another boy and finds out that he was at a party with casey and they "messed around" ... stephanie is told about this, finds casey in the hallyway, punches her in the side of the head, casey falls against a wall and hits her temple against the wall which is actually what knocked her out.

so my sister is taken out of the school in handcuffs and casey is taken via medivac to the hospital and given a CAT scan which shows no damage whatsoever and she's back in school the next fucking day while my little sister is arrested, has court shit to deal with, and isn't allowed back to the high school until 2nd quarter. yeah, my sister has some anger problems but she was put in therapy for it and everything's more than taken care of. the whole deal's more than a little ridiculous, imo.
i gotta go pick my little brother up from detention since he cussed out a teacher or something. we've got all the bases covered: my little brother does the verbal abuse, my sister does the physical abuse, and i've got the self-abuse hahaha
I remember in high school some kid was talking so much shit at lunch. I don't know if i was on edge already but he was directing it all towards me, so i told went over to his seat and told him to stand up. He did and i knocked him a good one, he fell and i grabbed his chair and hit him with it, after that a janitor came over and grabbed me away.

I guess when i get pissed or angry, i get this rush of energy and strength that i don't know i have and i get a little out of hand.

Oh yeah, i got jumped by 3 guys and got my ass kicked. That sucked cause I am still missing part of my tooth.
my only experience with her siblings was one night we had dinner with her family at Chevy's (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chevy's)

I could tell they were absolutely crazy, they had that look IN THEIR EYES