Alright. Serious topic and I want no sarcasm in it because I got a school issue.

NEVER drop out of high school.
What will you do when you'll be 30 with no decent job and money?
"Oh well, I dropped high school because the teacher was bad"

seriously.... It's really important to have *at least* high school...
I see it all the time... people come to get hired at PETCO (where I work, and
mind you, I only work there while going to college)
and they are 40 years old, with no degree, no high school, and they have *me* as their boss telling them to clean the ferret cages...
Granted: there is nothing wrong with any job out there, but think really hard
if that's the path you're about to take.
Having young boses who will graduate school one day, leave the retail world and you'll stay in the same place...
cleaning guinea pig's poop.

I agree 100% with what Carrie said.
Complain, or just have patient, and before you know it: that period in life will be over.
hahahaha, <3 James.

I wish I was drinking last night and on the board to make fun of you at the time... but since im not... heres all i can say

graduate highschool, if you cant graduate highschool then your teacher's right, your a failure. It takes NOTHING, I graduated and I slept through every class and left everyday at noon. Just finish, and after you graduate, tell him "your the one teaching at a highschool, what do you make? 35k a year? and you call me a fucking failure? go fuck yourself you scumbag"

OR, do what i did in highschool, key his fucking car everyday on the way out.
think how confident and proud of yourself you'll be when you fuck that guy over and graduate... with a 4.0 i bet too.

in otherwords, think of it as inspiration to succeed, not reasons why you can't.
Ryan that's horrible! That is terribly discouraging. But I think by dropping out you'd only put a little smile on his face. I don't think it's fair to call anyone a failure, and make that generalization. And you're clearly not a failure. I agree with Vera, if you can't push yourself to finish this, than what will happen when you're pushing for your band? Or record? I mean, it is possible you just don't have the drive to get your degree. But use your drive to get your degree and prove this asshole wrong. I'd totally blow his mind and try to do my best, instead of letting him have his way. I'd also report him, I'd get a bunch of people together who were pissed off by this, who were there and report him. That's horrific. Anyway, good luck!
Thanks guys for all the answers. It means a whole lot. I'm going to give it the rest of the year at this school. If i still hate the teachers (not only the DoA who is my english teacher) then I'll hopefully go to another school. Thanks again.
think of highschool as a job, you gotta go everyday.. but at 3PM you go home and say fuck it all, only unlike a job, its done in 4 years for good. just hang in man, what year are you?
don't let a silly decision you make during high school dictate the rest of your life. where do you live in LA? The public high school I went to, San Pedro High School, wasn't too bad. The local private school was the one filled with the whores and idiots (it was the catholic high school).

get your high school diploma and start thinking realistically about your future. if you don't go to college, there are still tons of ways to make decent money. a buddy of mine went to Tugboat driving school up in Oregon. Tugboat drivers make up to $200,000 a year and can work anywhere in the world. With that kind of money, you can set up your own recording studio and go to recording school when you're not workin

There are tons of options, but just stick it out through high school.
think of highschool as a job, you gotta go everyday.. but at 3PM you go home and say fuck it all, only unlike a job, its done in 4 years for good. just hang in man, what year are you?
freshman, i know its early, i was telling will about it. oh yeah and mike speaking of high school, what was your rank in your graduation class????
fuck dude, you got a while to go... just keep at it...

i was 51 in my graduating class... that sounds awesome if i went to my normal highschool where theres like 300 kids in the class.... but there was only 52 in our class..

but hey... second to last sounds like shit, but like... the kids that are in the top 10 are all paying out the ass for college and aint making shit yet, the kid that graduated 8th is at county college and works at wawa pumping gas. not to be arrogant, but i think i made out better than most of those assholes.
What they tell you your rank in US schools? In my school they invited everyone to see the principle and the dude told everyone their points and class average, school average and Slovenia's average privately so nobody's feelings would be hurt or something...
I was number 20 or 30...something like that out of 500.

*not gloating...cough*

our freshmen class had 1000 students, and after four years only half of them were able to graduate. sad.
beyond the opportunities school opens for you, it's also a great way to keep your mind sharp.

you could really use that.
unfortunately, high school wont improve your aim in r6 vegas, or teach how to NOT block your teamates when they are trying to out run a grenade
dude, ryan don't drop out. Unless you want to do as Karen said, clean rat shit for a living or deliver pizza or work at mcdonalds and the only few words you are gonna say o someone during work are: "Your fries is ready"
So, tell the fag subtley and politely to fuck off, and tell him you are not interested in his class, get a B and that is it. Get good grades. get at least a 3.0 and do some afterschool shit like football, soccer, baseball, you name it. High school is not hard, and high school provides good opportunities to get laid.
You mentioned you want to go to a recording school and shit. You are going to have to go through math and physics (mostly the electricity and magentism part of physics) and some chemistry to get there, so get good grades in those. Also math, chemistry and physics although might not seem usefull provide you with a way of thinking and as penguin said will keep your mind sharp.It would be a pitty not to be able to help your kids with math homework if you will ever have kids!
my 2 cents
dude, ryan don't drop out. Unless you want to do as Karen said, clean rat shit for a living or deliver pizza or work at mcdonalds and the only few words you are gonna say o someone during work are: "Your fries is ready"
So, tell the fag subtley and politely to fuck off, and tell him you are not interested in his class, get a B and that is it. Get good grades. get at least a 3.0 and do some afterschool shit like football, soccer, baseball, you name it. High school is not hard, and high school provides good opportunities to get laid.
You mentioned you want to go to a recording school and shit. You are going to have to go through math and physics (mostly the electricity and magentism part of physics) and some chemistry to get there, so get good grades in those. Also math, chemistry and physics although might not seem usefull provide you with a way of thinking and as penguin said will keep your mind sharp.It would be a pitty not to be able to help your kids with math homework if you will ever have kids!
my 2 cents

good post
Well, who really remembers high school math after they graduate?
Dropping out, as everyone else already stated, is never a good idea. As useless as a lot of the information they teach in American high schools may be, the whole formality of acquiring your high school diploma, then getting your BA and masters degree, is a necessary evil.
You could always start a business, but I think it's around 95% of businesses that fail within the first five years. So even for that, you would require something to fall back on.
It's just more practical to just stick it through. This teacher obviously has a huge chip on his shoulder, and you shouldn't have to deal with that, but, as Nightshade said, that's life. The more you deal with it now, the easier other problems will be. People always told me that whenever I had to deal with something, but I can see now that they were completely right.
it's not about the information. it's all about processing it. this is what school is about.
a brain is like a guitar, you need to play it to be good.

i fucking hate you cocksucking wads of cum that don't shut the fuck up with the "all they do is teach you useless shit".
The majority of people will find very little use of what they teach in American high schools in their real life (high schools outside of the US are very different from what I've gathered). Sure, some of it is important, but who will actually use advanced math or advanced science unless they become a doctor, an engineer, a chemist or something like that?