got in a fight

Mexican food makes them stabby.

I think 99% of the world needs to be punched in the face and suffer unconsciousness and traumatic amnesia at least once.
Yeah there is, those who say that shit have never been in a real situation that calls for it.

my only experience with her siblings was one night we had dinner with her family at Chevy's (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chevy's)

I could tell they were absolutely crazy, they had that look IN THEIR EYES

yeah, between my god-loving parents, my psychotic siblings and the dirty mexicans, you guys were lucky you got away from the mall alive.
7th grade...playing basketball...starting guarding this one dude, dude got pissed, shoved me. I fucked him up. Even the principal was impressed that I didn't take shit off of anyone older than me.

8th grade...playing kickball with the 9th graders. Shit-talking commences. Walking away, dude hits me with the ball. Told dude not to do it again. Dude does it again. I fucked him up in front of the whole school. Told principal what happened, that I told him not to do it again and he hit me with it again, so I fucked him up. Principal sent me back to class and other dude got in trouble.

After that, we all kinda grew up. Fighting just became stupid to us so everyone pretty much got along after that.

We were fight. Adults should not fight...adults should act like adults.

I never could stand people who start shit...that's my only pet peeve. Luckily, most people grow out of that phase in high school. The ones who don't should be sterilized so they cannot produce offspring.
Yes, in a perfect world, we'd all sip tea and eat buttered scones and talk about molesting trees. And that'd be okay.
Yes it would.

But guess what? Shit like that rarely happens here, so it's not such a far-fetched idea. In fact, the last fight I've seen was between two Americans outside a local pub here. Everyone else just shook their head and went back inside.

For me, it's stupidity that pisses me off. Not necessarily that people fight, but what people fight over. For some reason, we're brought up to think that the world is out to get you and you have to fight your way to respect, when the world isn't like that. WE'RE like that.
Today some dude in my class kept calling me a racist and stuff, and if im something not its beeing a at one point i couldnt take it anymore i told him a couple of times to shut the fuck up, so i hit him on the nose and it starts bleeding like hell and now im the bad guy of the class...stupid mfs

now my hand normally not an agressive persons but just dont work on my nerves for a whole fucking day...

did you ever got in a fight?

You are the textbook example of being ready with bitching around.
Some old Asian guy on the bus kept giving me pervy looks and putting his hand on my leg. I was waiting for him to grab a boob or something so I would have a legitimate excuse to punch an old person. How awesome would that be?