got my tissues out ....

NADatar said:
Favorite Araya Performance!!!

Divine Intervention, title track, first verse: I CANNOT LOOK AT GOD'S FACE right when his voice breaks up. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Also the live version of The Antichrist on Decade of Aggression, he makes my favorite Slayer song like 10x better. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

what do you think of his vocals on the new one?
best I heard him in ages ... and by best I mean ... best recorded :loco:

DI was good, but he sounded subdued
Araya has such a love/hate thing, it's funny. Personally I've always LOVED his voice, to me he is the defining element of Slayer. He's just so god damn menacing, yet understandable and real, not some bullshit Cookie Monster dude throwing up into a terlit.

Honestly I think the dude's weakest performance is on Reign in Blood (still really cool, just sounds a little thin), best on Divine Intervention. Other than that, including this new one, he is perfectly great.
Also my theory on why some metal dudes just don't dig Slayer, other than they are pussies and Johnny-come-latelies to metal :Spin: , is their huge punk element. To me they are one of THE defining metal bands, but everything they've ever done was heavily influenced by punk and I think a lot of people balk at that. Or who knows, whatever.
i just dont like slayer because they bore the fuck out of me. almost ever song sounds the same. but at least i tried with Show No Mercy, Haunting the Chapel, RiB, Hell Awaits, South of Heaven and Seasons.

Other than the ol' "Back in '86, NO ONE sounded like this", I fail to see any relevance. It seems they've been living off RiB their entire career while at the same time trying to perhaps live it down as well.

Slayer are a "Had to be there" band. Their time is long gone, but the 40 year old fans will always faithfully be waiting for more redundancy.

My expert view anyway... :grin:
slayer covered punk songs. jeebus...

metallica had more variation in their songs...Orion, Sanitarium, Escape,...Nothing Else Matters :loco:

slayer=play fast most of time..i love satan, satan is good, satan is our pal...more fast playing most of time=boring

EDIT: i cant listen to metallica these days
I don't know dude, I'm not even really a Slayer fan, but I'm listening to "Angle of Death" (lol) and it's pretty fucking unruly. Fuckin' groove.
I think J is right about RiB being something to live up to and at the same time never being able to escape from. It's really like someone said above, like Metallica; keep repeating the same thing and you make no progress, try to grow as a band and the fans all whine and complain. At least Metallica had the integrity to go their own way, whether it was shit or not, and they don't seem a bit repentant, and I have to respect that, even if I don't like the direction they took.
now I am thoroughly convinced that J has not listened to Slayer ... how can you say that all their stuff sounds the same while listening to the cookie cutter BM bands day in and day out ... and when something from left field comes at you, like BAN, dismissing it again ... hmm.

and I agree with NAD on the punk element ... to me Slayer was always about the agression ... it it about getting my blood boiling ... and this is where the punk element comes in. Thinking about it, thier music does not have traditional thrash or death metal structures ... they are completely unique in this arena.

as far as living up to RIB ... that's weird as to me they never seemed to try this. I would not want them to anyway, and I don't think any real Slayer fan does ... that disc has such a replayabilty factor even today, that it really is not necessary. and again ... they even admitted that the disc was an accident ... basically all 4 of them completely fucked up and high in the studio with Lombardo out of control, speeding things up ... the original back cover photo of RIB pretty much spells everything out.

I have not really fully digested anything from them since DI ... but this new disc gave them a bit of new life again.

But live ... they are untouchable ...
Erik said:
is this why they completely ignore load, re-load and st. anger at all recent gigs? (save for maybe fuel)
that may be so, but when they go back and start trying to redo what they were the pioneers of, then I'll completely buy it. I think they just got bored, plus Hetfield got sober. I just think reading all the "Metallica has sold out" threads are funny, from the perspective of, aren't musicians allowed to be in any way evolving as people. Now of course, the fans have the right not to buy the CDs.

p.s. this thread is funny because some people are getting their panties in a bunch over two musically accomplished and trend setting bands who for the most part aren't going to come up with anything truly innovative again.
i agree lizard ... Metallica's releases always represented the stages in their life on disc real well ... angst of their youth, confusion and finding yourself of your mid 20's-30's ... and now somewhat settling back to an older comfortable groove.

what I really don't like is Lars not trying to better himself over the years and letting himself be sloppy and weak ... no innovation, no growth in his instrument at all. A great drummer would add so much to their sound me thinks ...