Graspop 2004.thread

marginalé said:
hé, don't expect much from slipknots moshpit,
i've seen them three times now, and every time, there were only young people in it who were tired after one minute of moshing, so everbody stops and when we went on,
but then they looked at us like 'hé, would you please stop, you're pushing against me'
and every new song they played, everybody started again (for one minute)

woesies!!!!!! but graspop would be different hopefully

(ok, i have to confess, i had to take a break too once, but only one song, not every song)
So we weren't in the same moshpit, in Leuven, on the Iowa tour, I've seen the most violent pit I've ever seen! It was full of deathmetal freaks inside, the kiddies were just jumping aroud, but far from us... :hotjump: I was full of injuries while I was back home! :rock:
needed to be :ill: (about lotte and ralph both getting pissed, i can't handle such a party! , ..

hmm, was quiet weird why i pisted that one.
aargh, hehehe pOsted

yeah, i slept an half hour on the buss to Antwerp, cause i wented to ask if the berlin-paris buss, stops in brussel, it does, but i forgot to ask if its the same for the way back :erk:
Hmm the organisation decided to move the camping further away from the festival site :( It's gonna be in the area where the parkings usually are. It was one of the things I loved about Graspop, my tent was virtually next to the main stage :)
Oh well, the Slipknot problem is solved then anyway.