Graspop 2004.thread

does that mean the parking area will be even further away ? :(
or will we be allowed to park where the camp site was in the past? that would be ace! well to me anyway as i drive home every night...
Bastet said:
does that mean the parking area will be even further away ? :(
or will we be allowed to park where the camp site was in the past? that would be ace! well to me anyway as i drive home every night...
I don't think the parking will be where the camping used to be cos they did this to make the festival ground much bigger. More rooooom :cool:
Cerulean said:
Hmm the organisation decided to move the camping further away from the festival site :( It's gonna be in the area where the parkings usually are. It was one of the things I loved about Graspop, my tent was virtually next to the main stage :)
Oh well, the Slipknot problem is solved then anyway.
fok. this means that if we want a private camping show that we need to go far away. what means that everyone will be able to spot them superstars and that it wont be as intimate as it was last time :(
and now i realise that im fucken egoistic :erk:
Dynamo Open Air is running again. tho it seems that they have to start from zero again building everything up. its only 1 day (5 june). these are the confirmed bands:

Mariner said:
fok. this means that if we want a private camping show that we need to go far away. what means that everyone will be able to spot them superstars and that it wont be as intimate as it was last time :(
and now i realise that im fucken egoistic :erk:

bollox,you are NOT egotistic.WE are:erk: :grin: you ve got a point there:( fuck we'll dress them up then!
oh urm i'm officialy not able to come to graspop, if that's of anyones interest.

so i suggest there's a little after-festival in gent :grin: we can camp around the lake, barbecue and i'll bring a guitar and a flute :grin:
no, my godson is gonna get the holy sacrament of baptisment that saturday, somewhere in holland, quite far away. besides finances i just wont make it :(

and about that other option: i'm more serious than it might sound at first sight.
i will just have finished my trainee ship and i'll be waiting for my points/how many exams i have to do again. if there are people who are anyhow travelling a bit through belgium after graspop... you're welcome. my place in gent is not that big, so i thought the camping side might be alright if the weather is nice and such.
well perhaps it's too early to make plans, but yip.
siderea said:
oh urm i'm officialy not able to come to graspop, if that's of anyones interest.

so i suggest there's a little after-festival in gent :grin: we can camp around the lake, barbecue and i'll bring a guitar and a flute :grin:
we have a lake in belgium ???