
Crowdsurfing has been banned here in the Netherlands for years.

Not that that stops it from happening at every single concert
Haha very true. If you get crowdsurfed onto the stage they'll just shoo you off the stage and that's that.
Hell, security over here sucks; they don't allow knives of any sort (which is good...last thing I want is to get stabbed by some dumbass skin), but they allow people with ten inch nails in that couldn't be more dangerous than a knife :Smug:
I never got into wearing shit like that. I just can't be bothered to dress up when I'm likely to take my shirt of and lose it anyway. Sometimes I remember to tie them to my belt, and sometimes they stay. Sometimes I'm walking in freezing rain with no shirt.

I really forgot what the hell my point was.
Yeah the only bracers I wear are forearm protector style, no spikes or anything, just either plain black leather or metal-plated leather. Looks more badass and not as poserish anyway.
I never got into wearing shit like that. I just can't be bothered to dress up when I'm likely to take my shirt of and lose it anyway. Sometimes I remember to tie them to my belt, and sometimes they stay. Sometimes I'm walking in freezing rain with no shirt.

I really forgot what the hell my point was.


Yeah, i think ill have that problem this weekend
Hey, i would have thought there would be already a dozen post here talking about how Graspop been!

Well, ill relate my experience first then!

as i was saying, i was going for sunday only and with my friend from alsace lorraine. we did the trip by car, but we woke up 40mins late, got lost in Belgique (sorry dont remember the english name) because of the so well done signalization system... since theres minimum 3 languages and all the cities' name are different for EACH, well..... we missed Eluveitie, got there just in time for Thurizas i was hearing/seeing for the firsttime and really enjoyed it.



After we gotto the metal market, but not the paying one, the open one. there i bought alot of stuff, in the official stuff market too. its later that i entered the metal market where you pay 2£ to get in (drink ticket...) all in all, i got all this :


It was raining each hour, and ive never seen my boots that dirty


say... i shined them just before leaving for France :(

Baically, i think ive seen only 2 show in their full lenght. Thurizas and AA.missed Elu, as i said, seen the end of Moonsorrow

missed a part of Korpiklaani, sadly,and another part of Finntroll because after Finntroll, there was AA, and by then i was certain to find them in the site.

during COB, i was in the metal market buying Elu tshirts and vintersorg album i had hard time finding in montreal; then i was in line to the meet and greet stand, but i got there too late to catch AA. Korpiklaani were there though and i got 2 posters signed, one for my friend, one for me.
we saw a part of Fintroll and in the middle of it i panicked and told my friend we got to hurry to get in touch with AA before they get totally unreachable with the show prep.
I argued a good 10mins explaining i needed to get in the VIP zone and speak with AA for i have a gift fot them,etc. we couldnt pass because we werent VIP, but weve been some very lucky bastard, and we saw Johan H. Johan S. i think, and Ted. They were so nice! but i had to hurry to get the painting which was in the car at 20mins walking. So we ran.
when we get back, the guy that let us in the first time werent there aymore, he was working someplace else. I was so discouraged. we got there back another 20 mins later and the guy was there and told us we could go in, but he didnt came with us, so it was even ,ore trickier then the first time.. but LOL dont ask me how we did it, we passed a second time through the security and got to the VIP place. AA werent there anymore, they already were in backstage.... My friend and i then ran to the backstage, w/o being stoed by anyone, dont ask how it happened... and Johan H. greeted us in the back stage; it was awesome! so i got to show the whole bnd my painting, and to see them look at it and have a smile in the corner of their lips; really it was priceless. ill always remember it, i waited more then 4months for this and it became true! a god load of stress came off my shoulders then, they liked it ^^

Johan H offered us to stay in backstage during the show, HELL YESSSS!!!!
And what a kickass show!!!!!! As good, big, great, awesome, name it, as it was in december in montreal when i first saw them, cept this time i had a closer point of view...even if most of the time i wasnt seeing anything since i was pretty much constantly headbanging. i think it bothered some ppl near me cause strangly i had not much ppl near me when i was able to look around me haaha. and it seems i was singing so loud, my friend tell me, that a guy near had to stick his finger in his ear!
The show was simply so great! there even had those ppl in viking armor that made an appearance! it was beautiful!

my friend managed to get the setlist so here it is :

Valhall Awaits Me
Runes to my Memory
Death in Fire
Cry of the Black Birds
Fate of Norns
Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm
Victorious March
Pursuit of Vikings

It should have been longer; like we all say. the crowd was great! and i saw a few crowd surfers too lol
Sadly they didnt played 1000years but then it would havebeen catastrophic for me... i surely would have broken my neck just then... I couldnt even bear it after the show......

It was the best Saint Jean Baptiste i ever had (24th june is Quebec national feast) and im not regretful at all i had it so far from home! im just wondering if i was the only quebecan there, i heard nothing of my accent, nor seen any flag... oh well! hehe :)

Thanks AA for that hour of pure crazyness, i hope i havent frightened too much ppl backstage lol

Damn, that fucking ruled. Had a great spot at AA, right in the middle, 3d row! Me as the only 2m dude among 1,60/1,80 kids, had alot of eye contact with Johan, and he pointed at me several times while i was screaming along :D And i caught a drumstick ^^

And the rest of GMM also was realy great, ill try to get some pics up when im less lazy
That looked like it was awesome, you lucky Euro bastards get all the good shows. We get... Sounds of the Underground. :bah:

And just as an aside for Erzebeth... St. Jean Baptiste Day is the Christian version of what was/is one of the biggest parties of the heathen year, at least for the Nordic and the Baltic folk. :)
damm sounds nice...glad you like it, i´m waiting for a friend who went to hellfest and saw them, to tell me stories.. so horrible to not be able to pick holidays and miss everything:mad:
That looked like it was awesome, you lucky Euro bastards get all the good shows. We get... Sounds of the Underground. :bah:

And just as an aside for Erzebeth... St. Jean Baptiste Day is the Christian version of what was/is one of the biggest parties of the heathen year, at least for the Nordic and the Baltic folk. :)

i say the same with you Bates, i needed to cross sea to get there ><

I sure can imagine that since the 21th is the longest day, it must have something related, just the same with yule the 21th of december ^^
But i didnt thought of it till you mentioned it, to be honest
Now, its the designated anniversary feast for Quebecan? well, im even gladlier now!! ill have to check why its that day in particular; i dont remember asking that question to my Quebec history teacher a few years ago... : / see if theres a pagan reason or a battle we won.... did we? ><

anyway, time to get some rest, my neck huuuuuuuuuurt!!!!!!
OK, I'm feeling lazy, so I'm just gonna do Wikipedia quotes... they're close enough. And some of them just amuse me. The article is
Denmark: and in accordance with the Danish tradition of celebrating a holiday on the evening before the actual day, it takes place on the evening of 23 June.

Estonia: In 1578, Balthasar Russow wrote in his Livonian Chronicle about Estonians who placed more importance on the festival than going to church. He complained about those who went to church, but did not enter, and instead spent their time lighting bonfires, drinking, dancing, singing and following pagan rituals.

Finland: A great many people get very drunk and happy.

Latvia: In the western town of Kuld&#299;ga, revellers mark the holiday by running naked through the town at three in the morning. The event has taken place for the past seven years. Runners are rewarded with beer, and police are on hand in case any "puritans" attempt to interfere with the naked run.

The Quebec one wasn't funny :p
Yeah, its just the following tradition of France... Well, it doesnt lower my proudness in my country (Quebec) for it to have a national holiday and to have chose it during Midsummer.

I arrived at my friend's place the 21th in the morning and here in France, as its said in wiki, its La Fete de la Musique ( music feast?) where everyone can play music everywhere anytime, etc, cept some spots where there needs some orgazination. my friend have his metal band, they already have a few compositions of their own, its not exactly power metal because its not epic, its with a female singer. the are very good! and that nigtht they played 2 different places and the morrow, they played a third time at Mozeroy or something like it, theres a pic of me in the fields and the coming storm in the pic thread, it was before the show. in these 3 gigs, they only got better and better its amazing and it was their firsts show^^

anyway, i had to share this^^
Great Great show - Awesome that they played When silent gods stand guard and Victorious March - Awesome :kickass: Best setlist for a long time I think....

I only has left to say - Raise your viking horns..... :heh:

Pictures will come when I get some energy back.... :zombie: