Greatest Metal Guitar Mic on the planet !

I remember when I started out hanging on this forum and picking up all the basic knowledge for recording. Now, I admit that I haven't recorded guitar cabs a lot since I started making music but one thing I've learned is that my expectation on how much gear would help the overall sound has DRASTICALLY reduced as time has passed by and I've become a bit more experienced. Now people are sending me youtube mail every few days saying I have one of the coolest sounds they've heard and stuff. Fine, perhaps they are total newbies (a few of them actually had their own studio, though I don't know how "serious"), but it just goes to show that gear will not make the sound for you.

Fuck, I've spent so many hours figuring out my current sound for the upcoming album that I have almost forgotten what it is that I have done to achieve it. But I know it's not ONE single piece of plugin or gear that does it all. It's a combination of EVERYTHING in the entire process. The process actually starts already in your damn bedroom when you start writing your riffs :) The way you pick the strings with your guitar pick probably impacts the overall sound as much as a whole different mic...
Meshuggah to me always sounded like they're playing tanks with strings. very metallic heavy clear... pretty cool but not for me.

I know I know... "Old quote is fucking old" and shit... but hey I was laughing my arse off...

two cents = Shure Sm57 or Sm7

considering that most drums are triggered... bass is DI...
One single SM57 on-axis. Sometimes a TLM193 or MD421 instead.
I never do that "two-mics" stuff. Put up one mic and eq out any crap.
had a bit of a play around with a 57 near the outer edge of the speaker while I was A/B ing it against a CD . It was only because I was A/B ing it and moving it around that it ended up so far away from the dust cap . On reflection CD as a ref already has mastering which may have shifted the guitar tone somewhat ?! but it sounded OK very balanced frequency wise , I think I'll have to give that another go .