Greetings from the Iced Earth Board

Originally posted by HemiGTX
DSM, I was here the night both you and WD were here, and you started up the subject to get the lines of communication going.....and I know he saw the thread! I know he had to of. I hope you blew it right the fuck off. (I didn't so quickly, but I hope YOU can do that!)

i got over it, but it still kicks me in the ass to know that the frontman of my favorite band completely blew off the fact that he has fans
Hes too much of a "rock star" to be bothered with us peasants.haha

Maybe he brought some hooker over to his place and tried to get a freebee by saying he was in a rock band.So he showed her the board and once you posted the message.BAM!, freebee!
In an interview Warrel did with Metal Maniacs, the writer stated he had been on the message board...(it was still on the web site back then, it was like '99 when interviewed) and commented on the whole "Why does Warrel wear a cross" question!! I can't even remember who asked that or if WD saw it for himself or not!! Ahhhh, the good old days...:lol: ;)
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
and if u see the name WD up top, its Warrel.... dont bother messaging him, because lately hes been ignoring us

he ignores YOU.


He used to talk to us, back in the day... but since Guerrilla came along... there's been no hope :lol:
last i heard on a new Nevermore cd, I heard Warrel and jeff may each out out solo albums, Warrel is working with the former Soilwork guitarst Peter but when or if it will come out is beyond me as well as a Jeff Loomis instrumental cd.

As for Iced Earth vs Nevermore... I love both bands and hope they will tour again someday but i like Nevermore a little bit more.

NeverEarth X said:
last i heard on a new Nevermore cd, I heard Warrel and jeff may each out out solo albums, Warrel is working with the former Soilwork guitarst Peter but when or if it will come out is beyond me as well as a Jeff Loomis instrumental cd.

As for Iced Earth vs Nevermore... I love both bands and hope they will tour again someday but i like Nevermore a little bit more.


Haha, retard.
I thought about his e-peen title today while at work and laughed out loud as I was counting meds. They all think I'm nuts.
I doubt Jon was directly banning people. More like the mods in there. Plus I doubt banning someone for not being american is a good reason. Heck, it shouldn't be legal in today's world.