
you may. they're bound to stumble into this thread sometime soon, and anyway you'll get to know them all in a jiffy.
a list would be longish and incomplete, and all those i'd forget to mention would post a happy little message saying something on the lines of 'damn you, rahvin, there is also me'.

so i pass on this one. ;)

Nyeheheh.. ye'r right. Well, I look forward to know everyone of you here :). Lol, I also think I'll pass some time in other forums, such as the Hate Pit (great thing!), but this one forum will be my favorite one, ask me why :p...
lol your on pace to kick the shit out of Misanthrope lol! As for me, yes I haunt this forum, ever since I died here like 3 years sucked. Anyway, welcome and definitly check out my band in this very forum page "At the Flames of Tranquillity...." very good stuff. Made by me, Phyros, FatherVic (where is he), Ingenious, and phyre, any many others hehe. WELCOME
I have MANY other things to do these days, not necessarily something better, but regarding my future something more important - like work and studies. But don't you worry, just wait 'till the holidays... :heh:

Originally posted by Melancholia

btw,you've done all those 41 posts in one day!!!!!!! :eek:

Yeah, he posts ALMOST as much as some people on the Opeth-board... :rolleyes:


Edit: Forgot to say "Hi!" to Malveaux, so - hello and welcome! :rock:
it's quite embarrasing to see how many posts i've made.. considering that all of them are worthless... that shows that i have nothing better to do
call me a stupid net-freak with no life,but i am here NOt because i have nothing better to do But because i LOVE this place


Am I a loser???? :rolleyes:
I just couldn't resist.. sorry about that Melie

YES YES YES YES YES YES !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't agree more with Mel.. I love this place too.. and I spend about 3-4 hours a day online anyway.. so why not spend it posting? :)
There are a lot of interesting ppl in here and pretty informative topics (music-wise or not).. aaahhh I guess we are not net-freax.. but that's what a net-freak would think, right?
Heeeeeeeeey! What a bad manners! You didn't invite the best catalan man in the world to this welcome thread!!! (this weekend FatherVic is out of Catalunya, so I'm the best without any knid of doubt!).

You're quite welcome here, Malveaux. I must to advice ya to take care, man, so there are some strange ppl posting here. A crazy man nicknamed as Rahvin, that listens to Ricky Martin in secret, and to read the posts by Final_Vision could be dangerous to your mind!! He's a fuckin' surfer from California, with a lot of baywatchers and pretty girls running through the beach with David Hasslehoff as their boss. Arghh! It seems a nightmare!

Btw: That was a joke, my italian friend, I love these ppl, and some of them are my band mates in "At the Flames of Tranquility in the Mist of an Edge and Crying for an Icecream... bla...bla... and so on" :loco:
We already met some thread else, but welcome the same. Forgive rahve for any of his see it's not his fault, he's a dear person after all:heh:

Joking...this is a cool place, be welcome.

(It snows outside, wow.)
Originally posted by atlantis
We already met some thread else, but welcome the same. Forgive rahve for any of his see it's not his fault, he's a dear person after all:heh:

oh, is he, after all? :bah:

and i was maybe the first in line to reply to malveaux... there's no justice (there's just us).

to say it with pratchett's Death: THERE'S NO JUSTICE, THERE'S ONLY ME.
err, welcome malveaux! i see you like gaiman too... :grin:
and yes, i write. sometimes.

/me got something fucked up concerning some posts but bla wrong time wrong day I'm blinded by the sun and blabla
Sorry to rub it in your face, rahvin, but the first guy speaking with me was Phyros.

@Melancholia: hehe... it's just because in the first days I join a forum I like to join every possible discussion. My record is in the boards dedicated to the MMORPG "Charr: the Grimm Fate".
I posted 98 message in a day.
Anyway, I don't consider myself an internet freak. I just enjoy talking with other people. I left that forum because I eventually got at loss for topics.
But here in a forum dedicated to Heavy Metal, I think I'll feel much more comfortable :).

Besides, the 'now playing' section is a great source of inspiration for me :)...