gregthraX is at mikes house.......


greg is a bitch
Feb 10, 2002
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I'm lettin' mikethraX burn vol.8........if I knew where all you fuckers lived who didn't have it, I'd come to your place and let you burn it wait a minute, i wouldn't!

I'm not posting anymore.

That's awesome mang! I was about to start offering burnt copies of Volume 8 myself! But sounds like you've got a hookup! Volume 8 shouldn't be missed. In fact, it's a priority!
Obviously you don't pay attention to anything we say here.

Most of us CAN'T go buy it, as it is not in any stores where we live.

For instance, it took me 2 years to find Killer A's both on CD and DVD. Not because I didn't have the money for them, and not because I didn't look for them. I bought them in two different stores, and they were the last copies in each. Greg had to buy his copies online, and he bought them all up so no one else could have them LOL (a whole 2).

I'd love to hand Scott a $20 and be on my way, but the facts are:
1. He never comes to Phoenix, so that won't happen.
2. The shit just isn't readily available, and I'll probably have a hell of a time finding the new album too.

We're not trying to rip them off, we're trying to spread the word where there would otherwise be silence. There's a difference.
Don't go all LAR$ on us ok? It's a VERY rare cd to find....even CHARLIE from ANTHRAX says that hes offered to burn it for ppl!
If we could buy it....we would. Instead we have to wait for someone to have it online and then pay 50 bucks for it. I finally found one after years of searching, now I'm just sharing it w/ ppl who cant find it. Trust me, even though were burnin' copies....they WILL buy it if they find it!:muahaha:
I can't believe this cincy person going all LAR$ on us! Obviously, not a diehard fan.
Please tell me you put that link up to say "Hey, I bet my new thraxmates would enjoy the smooth sounds of an import cd."
and not to be a smartass! It's called having a family and a budget.
I have pilgramaged everywhere for a copy for less than 20 dollars ( my willing budget for the last 4 years) I found 2 for 7 bucks and got 'em both. I went $1.91 over my budget for shipping...I won't go broke. however a $50 copy from JAPAN w/ another $10 dollars for shipping will make sure that my son dosen't eat this week.
So I'd say searching for 4 years IS diehard.

Just provin' a point.

Let this one end before it get's outta control.
it's so strange that its hard to find. they always have at least one copy of it in any store I go to. and anyway I was just saying that because the more people burn anthrax cd's and don't buy them the less money they will get. so we as fans have to make up for it in support and maybe buying other stuff. but I'm not trying to get all preachy. and fuck lars he's a bitch. I mean come on anyone who sues their own fans has to be screwed up. I hope I can be forgiven
PS. heres an Idea have the store order it for you. like have them oreder three copies and buy just one that way the store will have a couple more copies to sell and maybe people will buy them and the store will order more.
PSS. I know this won't help thrax make any moolah but has the promo single up for 3 bucks and the album up for 10 bucks