Obviously you don't pay attention to anything we say here.
Most of us CAN'T go buy it, as it is not in any stores where we live.
For instance, it took me 2 years to find Killer A's both on CD and DVD. Not because I didn't have the money for them, and not because I didn't look for them. I bought them in two different stores, and they were the last copies in each. Greg had to buy his copies online, and he bought them all up so no one else could have them LOL (a whole 2).
I'd love to hand Scott a $20 and be on my way, but the facts are:
1. He never comes to Phoenix, so that won't happen.
2. The shit just isn't readily available, and I'll probably have a hell of a time finding the new album too.
We're not trying to rip them off, we're trying to spread the word where there would otherwise be silence. There's a difference.