Story behind your username

Our class in lower secondary went to a field trip to Poland. We visited a museum (I think, can't remember) and there was this woman showing us around who spoke really bad English. Thus, the king sounded like ze kink, and I started using it some time later.
I like Mike Patton... to the point that I'm a freak about it. When I started doing the whole interweb thing I used "pattonfreak" but that account got banned... So I went with pattonfreak1. The GIGAWATT part is my one man project... I wish I could get rid of that part and just keep it pattonfreak1.
Dad was on tour with a canadian orchestra (as a timpani player). He lifted the timpani up by himself in the truck by himself and the conductor said... "You're like an Animal". Now it happened he got a Animal puppet later on that tour that he was officially baptized as Animal. At first they called me Baby Animal, but then I got bigger, started drumming, and his friends started to call me Funky Animal.....
well i was just an evil black metal kid who wanted something really evil
abigor731 has always been my nickname in the internet

abigor is a really cool band, and it also sounds like a typical evil fantasy game character name
and well, i just needed a number, and i was currently watching a chinese prapaganda film about some japanese who are comitting atrocities during WW2, it was called "unit 731 - the troop of death" or something
i know its a bit of a poser name, but who cares, it could have been worse, like "evilsatandude666" or something