
Mine came from my weird obsession with Fantasy Role Playing...

I love Darthrya's story about the light saber! LMAO!

"Watch Your Lanes!"
Man, all I can say is that I hate the rifle range. Only the Army can take away the fun out of firing a high-velocity rifle at targets.

I'm surprised about your nick. I figured it had something to do with the name of your unit.
mine is not metal, nor related to sports, RPGs or guns... LOL back in my raving days (1998), my friend who got me into the scene would always be excited on our way to the party and in the car enthusiastically yell, "we're gonna rave BALLS tonight!" LOL i thought it was funny and full of energy, so i stole it for my hotmail account. i like that no one else in the internet world has the name.
Schmidt Rubin was a Swiss firearms company from the mid 1800's up until the mid 1900's. They built all the rifles for their military. They're famous for their straight pull bolt actions, of which I own a few. They're very collectible.
Besides being a Maiden fan, I'm a whitewater rafter and kayaker. Eddieline is the name of my raft. (An eddyline is the point on a river where downstream currents meet the upstream currents of an eddy). I just changed the spelling a bit to match good ol' Eddie for the double meaning. Yeah, real clever. I know. :rolleyes:
bornwthatail is just "born with a tail". It came from a rock song I remember hearing on the radio around the mid 90s sometime that went:

"You know I'm in league with Satan
You know, there can be no debatin'
My hellbound trail
Yes I was born with a tail!".

Think I might've been a Supersucksers song maybe? I was never a fan of the band but I always loved those lyrics. I grew up in a very churchy household and was accused of being demon spawn on more than one occasion for my love of all things metal.

Hence, bornwthatail!