Story behind your username


May 9, 2009
I'm bored, and no one is posting pictures of their dogs or girlfriends, so here we go.

I don't care if this has been done before, those threads are dead and pissed on by now and no one wants to read them anymore.

So just what it says up there, share the story of your username, why did you come up with it in the first place and what does it mean?

I used to go around with the nickname Soul Burn, which is a song by Meshuggah as some of you may know. At some point I got lazy and my present username is pretty quick and easy to type. It's kind of an retarded version of Soul Burn. The advantage is, no one else in the whole world uses it (or wants to), so I never have to worry about someone having reserved that username whenever I register somewhere.
Somewhere on my birth certificate are the names "Harry" and "Hughes":D
Seriously though, over time I've just started to use my real name rather than using some kind of "internet alias" type username.
At some forums my username is HughesJB4 and others it's Petrovsk Mizinski (which used to be my username here before I asked to get it changed)
My usernames are either Morgan (no idea why this XD), Morgoe (chose this when I was like 13 and I was cool) or Kyrane/Kirayne (My WoW character's name. Ex-WoW character.. thank God ;p)
James Bond + Murphy Brown.

Stef due to the fact that my Realname is Stefan and the TD is the short version of my first band's name.
It was no real band, just me playing guitar (no real riffs, every song was just improvised) and growling
and a friend of mine blasting the shit out of his drumkit when we were 13.
The band was called Torture Death...yeah, we were quite evil :D