Story behind your username

well Gareth S for my middle name Steven and E for my last name Edwards.

But when I was still TheXRatedDodo that stemmed from a night where I came home drunk and started talking shit to people on msn at like 3am and I meant to say "so do" to my friend Becky but typed "do do" instead. the whole thing Evolved into me and her being BeckyDodo and GarethDodo and we steadily added words to the list like "FraggleLionSomethingSomethingEtc"
and "X-Rated" was a part of it.
it stuck or an online tag
I was just about the biggest Bathory fan in the world when I was a teenager. Always blasting their music and sporting the shirts. That and Unleashed ... a buddy at the time used to call my car the Dragon Ship cause it was huge and scary and the ever present Bathory soundtrack it had coming from it. Anyway, another buddy just randomly referred to me as the Skinny Viking because of that and man, did THAT ever stick :p

5'10" ... 140lbs (at the time) ;)
Well my user name was put here by accident i filled the form out wrong and ended up with my email as my name...but its pretty self exaplanatory....used to get into alot of trouble when i was younger...and at 17 thought it was cool to spell the word delinquent differently...48 was my old football number in highschool
for me when i was 12 i made my 1st email address. i didn't want to use my own name at that age so i picked up the name of my favourite guitarist at that time, mick thompson from slipknot and i made my hotmail email with that.

since the age of 12 (im now 21) my internet alias has been mick thompson, mickthompson, mickthompson7 or mick_thompson7

i've just stuck with it and so many people know me as mick thompson now on so many different sites. currently i use my mick thompson email account for my junk type of emails etc (generic stuff) and i use my real name in a gmail account for all my legit workings etc like business etc

and thats the story behind my username
mine came in college, like so many others...

i got introduced to blunts by some dudes at the end of my hall. that was the only way i'd smoke weed for a while. i'd get shit loads of philly blunts and sometimes put a few together for a 'phat' one. my real name is Phil (as one may have guessed), so those dudes started calling me Phat Philly Blunt. eventually it got shortened to Phat Phil.

a friend of mine back them thought my name was spelled with an 'F' (good guy, just not real bright), so it became phatfil.
Last name is 'Wolfe', I'm a 'man'. So it's been my name for everything computer based since I had a Commodore 64. I get very pissed when it's taken, usually I have to add a number at the end but I got lucky joining UM when it was still fresh.
I used to be in a local professional wrestling league when I was in High School and living in Tucson, AZ. I was dubbed "The Executioner", even though I resented it at first because there was already an Executioner in WWF in the past. The name was chosen for me because of the storyline we were following: Black vs. White vs. Mexican. None of us were actually racist, but we did play a mean race war that drew a good crowd for the local shows. I was on the "white power" side of the story, even though I'm latino/irish and look more on the latino I wore a luchador mask. The other guys on my *team* were aliased as The Hangman, Carpet Bagger, and The Klansman. Again, none of us were white supremecists...and none of other sides were of any supremecists either...just was an easy storyline to follow and keep people interested. So yeah...thats where Executioner comes from.

213 is not only one of my favorite Slayer songs, but it was the apartment number that Jeffrey Dahmer lived in...hence, the Slayer song.

I've also gone by, on various forums and chatrooms, Grenudo_Loco213 and Meatbag. Meatbag is actually my *nickname* currently. A friend started calling me lunchbox, as he thought I reminded him of Silent Bob. Then another friend started calling me Lunchbag because he wanted to change it up...then another friend's 4 year old kid called me Meatbag (he couldn't remember what it really was) and I decided to keep it. The end.
i had a fanzine called Metal Overload, and then a concert promotion organization., so im using it for a lot of things.
The 3 guitar heroes of my early youth. I used it since my first dial-up days. Yeah it's stupid, cheesy and not a professional representation of myself, but I'll stick with it. I also keep the representation of my private self to a minimum on the net.