
Nice to see Anti-Cimex mentioned, raw stuff (although I hate the crowds normally into them). I thought they were pretty unknown outside of Sweden, but that's maybe because of my very limited punk-knowledge.
They're very influential in the d-beat/crust scene - one of the first d-beat bands I ever got into. In fact, they even have a tribute album out with bands from all over the world though I haven't heard it.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this? I've never heard a goregrind album that could match it, imo.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this? I've never heard a goregrind album that could match it, imo.

Wow, that's a very good record, thanks for putting it here as I did't know it. I'm always hungry for good goregrind, yet only few bands satisfy me. My favourite (but I've mentioned that plenty times already including first post) is Die Pigeon Die.

EDIT: Should I care about the Skullhog splits too? Came out in 2008.
Anyone here enjoy Yacopsae? I downloaded pretty much all their stuff a while ago, and they're more power-violenceish grind, but they're pretty awesome.
I just fucking hate when there's a stupid sample in a beginning of every song, which takes half of it, so then half of the album are samples from movies. That's like, really stupid. It may be funny or cool if it was once or twice on the album, but more is idiotic.

On a different note, there are two new Ingrowing songs on their Bandzone, sounds almost death-metal-ly if you ask me.
I'm currently listening to the Xysma's demo called Swarming Of The Maggots and I'm very pleasantly surprised. I was always sceptic about the band's genres definition which says they turned from Grindcore to Heavy Metal/Rock which is really a big jump to something completely different. I haven't heard any of their new things, but I'm reccomending their demo and will check their first CD which is said to be "grind milestone".

P.S.: Also, I guess I'm gay that I haven't checked them before.