
birdflesh is a great band, no doubt.

i think most of metal fans don't understand the intelligent irony and sarcasm included on this genre. even goregrind bands got some message to pass.

Well I don't know about the "intelligent irony" part, but goregrind bands certainly repel people with it's imagery, which is sometimes a shame. It took me a while too to accept the "gore" coverarts and all the - most of the times - stupid image to appreciate the music itself. I wouldn't buy a cd with a diseased person/cunt or a disgusting porn photo on a coverart. No, I really hate that. And even if the band is good and I like their music they can't find me guilty not buying it because it's just disgusting.
Well I don't know about the "intelligent irony" part, but goregrind bands certainly repel people with it's imagery, which is sometimes a shame. It took me a while too to accept the "gore" coverarts and all the - most of the times - stupid image to appreciate the music itself. I wouldn't buy a cd with a diseased person/cunt or a disgusting porn photo on a coverart. No, I really hate that. And even if the band is good and I like their music they can't find me guilty not buying it because it's just disgusting.

i understand what you're talking about. in fact some goregrind bands piss me off too. but it's not a shame.

i believe they make that kind of coverart cuz most of coverarts on the industry of the music is made of flowers and still life or the pic of the musician, so, they just like to be controversial.

of course i prefer grind core bands with intelligent and acid lyrics, but i don't censure any coverart, except that wintersun one :lol:
Well, it goes like this:

A couple of months ago I got a box of about 100+ CDs for $20. I saw a few titles and asked "How much for the whole box?". $20. Alrighty. Come to find out about 1/4-1/3 of them had no CDs or the wrong CD. But I ended up with an interesting collections of CDs to check out or trade. It is a mix of grind, crust, noise, dumb and metal.

So what that means is I am checking out some bands I never would have before. And what I am finding is that I kinda like grind.

Two of the grind CDs I have liked:

Phobia - Means of Existence
Nasum - Inhale/Exhale

I even kinda liked an album by Eyehategod called Confederacy of Ruined Lives

And just tonight I listened to a split between Wastoid and Black Market Fetus. Truthfully I assumed it was an album by Wastoid called Black Market Fetus. But anyway, at first (probably the Wastoid part) I was thinking I would get rid of it, but as it progressed (probably, got to the BMF part) it got really good.

On a side note, the following noise album rules:
Lull - Journey Through Underworlds (Mick Harris)
I find Nasum very overrated, but if it's your thing, all good. I think I'm in the minority not liking them. To me, Helvete reminded me of fucking Korn here and there...blech.
Yeah, didn't want it to seem like I was being confrontational or a dick, because I wasn't trying to be. It's good to start somewhere imo!
Inhale/Exhale is awesome. I like pretty much all Nasum's albums but there seems to be quite a few people on here that hate them.
I find Nasum very overrated, but if it's your thing, all good. I think I'm in the minority not liking them. To me, Helvete reminded me of fucking Korn here and there...blech.

Yeah sometimes they lean towards some catchier riffs that might end up being annoying for someone (or is that it what you had on mind?), but atleast they don't sound same all the time like most average grindcore bands. They might be overrated but they're still there somewhere on the top of the grindcore spectrum for me.
Get this now


fuck yes

this IS my kind of thread!

on the crustier end of things, any of you familiar with Disrupt? they turned into an Eyehategod-style sludge band called Grief, if any of you are in the know.

both bands own.
I have the re-issue of Disrupt's Unrest that Relapse released a couple of years ago and I agree, they are pretty awesome.

Yeah, that is one of the CDs that was in my box. I was playing it the other night, and was really enjoying it. In fact I was inspired to break into some moshing and punched a rolled up carpet (with the bottom facing out) and scraped some flesh from my knuckles.
Why do all these crust bands turn into sludge?

I need more crusty grind shit.

Ohio, since your back, are into the c-squat bands Leftover Crack and Nasuea?
Yeah, Nausea rules. Though I obviously dig LoC and Choking V a ton more even though they are not really a crust punk band by sound.

I need more crusty grind stuff.

knock yerself out

oh and I saw a guy in my town with a Leftover Crack shirt on in the local grocery store. I gave him the horns.