

New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
I formally apologize. I know I've been a dick lately, and I'm not justifying it or making an excuse for it whatsoever, I've just been pretty damned depressed with all the happenings in my life at the moment. I've been taking it all out on the people around me in my life, and on this forum. And that's bad, m'kay? I can directly relate all of the shit that's been going on with me to Allison's normal bullshit, though. She's been suicidal, so me being the guy I am, I've been there for her every step of the way making sure she doesn't off herself before she goes to jail for 3 months (JUSTICE, NIGGA.) She was suicidal because I JUST RECENTLY broke up with her, even though I told you guys I did it long ago. Technically, I did. I detached myself from her a month and so ago when I moved to my parents, and finally had the balls to just tell her that she's literally too stupid for me to even consider her as a friend or acknowledge her very existance.


Something happened today that made me turn a complete 180, and put me in the single BEST mood I've ever been in. Seriously feels like a 9000lb weight has been lifted, it's pretty fucking lulzy, and I'll just summarize it with the text message that I sent my friends;

*Taken down due to Allison being crazy and reading what I say about her, if you want to know the overly LULZ story, ask. Haha*

But really, sorry guise. <3

I still love you Owen/Gareth, orgy tiem plx?
if you say youre leaving for attention at least go through with it, dont come back in a day with an apology after resorting to projection, douchebaggery and intolerance.

having said that, im chill if youre chill, lifes too short for drama, just stop being a douche mang and everyone will get along ^_^

But seriously, niceeeeeeee.
if you say youre leaving for attention at least go through with it, dont come back in a day with an apology after resorting to projection, douchebaggery and intolerance.

having said that, im chill if youre chill, lifes too short for drama, just stop being a douche mang and everyone will get along ^_^

<3, point being from all of this is I've realized I've been a fucking dickhead, and I'm trying to amend. We're talking on MSN right now so you already know all this shit, haha, just making sure everybody else understands.
Jesse you are always turning 180's, you wouldn't be so bad if you werent so fucking temperamental, but your mood might as well change with the weather. Today you're fine tomorrow you'll be raging, fuck man, I could accept if you were raging all the time, hell I'm a grumpy smartarse shit 100% of the time, but at least people know what to expect. Plus, you're somehow the only guy here that manages to drag all his personal baggage through every discussion with him, this is the internet, everybody gets enough personal life with their personal life, post some choons, argue with murphy about steve jobbs biography or fucking post pictures of kittens falling off high buildings, I don't give a shit, just keep that crap out the way.

An apologies fine, but as far as I'm concerned with all this proposed 180'ing you've still got something to me about actually doing any changing, cos from what I can see this bollocks could go on for ever.

As for me and Gareth, we're a fucking item now so stay away from moi luvver dickface.
Öwen;9125176 said:
Jesse you are always turning 180's, you wouldn't be so bad if you werent so fucking temperamental, but your mood might as well change with the weather. Today you're fine tomorrow you'll be raging, fuck man, I could accept if you were raging all the time, hell I'm a grumpy smartarse shit 100% of the time, but at least people know what to expect. Plus, you're somehow the only guy here that manages to drag all his personal baggage through every discussion with him, this is the internet, everybody gets enough personal life with their personal life, post some choons, argue with murphy about steve jobbs biography or fucking post pictures of kittens falling off high buildings, I don't give a shit, just keep that crap out the way.

An apologies fine, but as far as I'm concerned with all this proposed 180'ing you've still got something to me about actually doing any changing, cos from what I can see this bollocks could go on for ever.

As for me and Gareth, we're a fucking item now so stay away from moi luvver dickface.


Bitch, you can't bring the flaming homosexual heat like I can ;)

Also, I sort of confide in the semi-anonymity that the SneapForum provides. Every one of you has a different, VERY valuable opinion that I respect highly. When I want questions answered, I come here.

Bitch, you can't bring the flaming homosexual heat like I can ;)

Also, I sort of confide in the semi-anonymity that the SneapForum provides. Every one of you has a different, VERY valuable opinion that I respect highly. When I want questions answered, I come here.

Fuck man, I'm not arguing about who can be the most gay over the internet.

And yes, having people to confide in is great, but do personal issues have to be in every second post.

Now bend over and take it like a champ.
Wow I've never been sig quoted before! Why are girls always complaining about their first time, this wasn't bad at all. Aha ;)