Guitar Center

Actually I work at a family owned music store that has to compete with a GC in town and I consistently get 40 hours every week, and I was able to completely put together my studio in the first year that I worked there with all the money that I made. I like everything better about working for my company instead of GC except that their employees get better deals on gear than I do :mad:

Sounds like you got a gig man. I've got a lot of what i need which is nice. But at the expense of putting up with all their corporate bullshit and minimum wadge... ha yea i'd say you still got it better.
Guitar Center may suck, but RockGuitarX definitely rules! I got the wrench today so count this is as a positive feedback.
As a GC employee, I just had to register to post in this thread. For every 1 retarded GC employee, there's at least 3-5 retarded customers that come in everyday. You wonder why the guitars are in such bad condition? You tell me, we bring them in brand new out of boxes. It's the customers that fuck them up, and honestly, we don't have time to just walk around the store cleaning up guitars. You wonder why the guitars have no whammy bars? They either get stolen or we take them off so they don't.
75% of our customers are kids who have their moms drive them up, and they go straight for the Deans and nearest half stack where they play incredibly too loud. They usually wear band t-shirts like anyone gives a fuck that they listen to Slayer.
I hear Sweet Child O Mine and Back in Black at least 8-10 times a day, and never correctly.
People walk up to the counter and ask "Do you have picks here?". They ask for discounts on everything. You don't get a discount just for showing up. I've had people ask for discounts on $20 purchases.
Do you think we have machine heads for your 1964 Takamine acoustic that they only made 17 of?
Families come in with their $150 guitars with a broken string and expect us to restring and set it up when there's a line of people at the counter.

However, the discount employees get is pretty ridiculous.
As a GC employee, I just had to register to post in this thread. For every 1 retarded GC employee, there's at least 3-5 retarded customers that come in everyday. You wonder why the guitars are in such bad condition? You tell me, we bring them in brand new out of boxes. It's the customers that fuck them up, and honestly, we don't have time to just walk around the store cleaning up guitars. You wonder why the guitars have no whammy bars? They either get stolen or we take them off so they don't.
75% of our customers are kids who have their moms drive them up, and they go straight for the Deans and nearest half stack where they play incredibly too loud. They usually wear band t-shirts like anyone gives a fuck that they listen to Slayer.
I hear Sweet Child O Mine and Back in Black at least 8-10 times a day, and never correctly.
People walk up to the counter and ask "Do you have picks here?". They ask for discounts on everything. You don't get a discount just for showing up. I've had people ask for discounts on $20 purchases.
Do you think we have machine heads for your 1964 Takamine acoustic that they only made 17 of?
Families come in with their $150 guitars with a broken string and expect us to restring and set it up when there's a line of people at the counter.

However, the discount employees get is pretty ridiculous.

It's your job. If you don't like it, then you can quit.

You're in customer service, your job is to serve the customer.

Muhammad Ali said "Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth".

And by the way, us fellow musicians are kind of tired of being screwed, especially those of us that have thousands of dollars worth of gear and want to trade in for something different, or perhaps cut us a deal and look out for each other or make each other's lives easier as opposed to perpetuating the "cut throat" tendancies that are like the mindset of a pirate.

Dude, I could honestly chew you up and spit you out but I'd rather not waste my time that could be better used rocking out to Scar Symmetry and freaking out about how awesome the 25th Anniversary TMNT action figures are.

Everything about guitar center employees is true, you're rude, arrogant, deceitful, and basically make me as well as many other people NOT want to go there just because of YOU as employees. Not because your gear is incredibly overpriced, but because of your attitude.

I miss the days when your ass would get fired if you acted the way YOU did in customer service.

But I guess being the stereotypical musician douchebag is widely accepted, huh?

Let's not try to be anything more.
I don't think his statements were that bad... If anything I think he's right about the customers. You can do a hell of a job, but look at what kind of musician's GC attracts in general. You can't be blamed for other people's actions all the time. It's also not so much of a service if he's doing it to earn money though I do agree if you don't like it, you should probably find another job :grin: I just generally don't go to GC and I'm happy. Just my two cents.
But we were all those kids once. That is what everyone fails to acknowledge. I have found very few GC employees that I have liked.

Yeah, I totally see where you're coming from. You should probably work there first and see how you handle it. My mother always told me, "Don't complain unless you can do a better job." Not doubtin ya man, it's just one of those things to think about.
God, seriously; I guess some people enjoy the bidding game, but it gives me an ulcer - that's why I always go for the Buy-it-now items (assuming there are any :erk: )
And by the way, us fellow musicians are kind of tired of being screwed, especially those of us that have thousands of dollars worth of gear and want to trade in for something different, or perhaps cut us a deal and look out for each other or make each other's lives easier as opposed to perpetuating the "cut throat" tendancies that are like the mindset of a pirate.

I'm a lowly salesguy. I can't go around giving discounts to anyone because I want to. We lose the ability to carry certain brands if we lower prices. Fulltone for example. If we cut deals on their products and they find out, we can't carry Fulltone anymore. I don't set the prices, I just abide by them. And I get tired of being screwed too. I get paid minimum wage and if 1% of my gross sales aren't PG's I get money cut out of my paycheck.

And I don't really know what this is about:

I miss the days when your ass would get fired if you acted the way YOU did in customer service.
J86_Samurai, I think you came in way too heavy handed there, you don't know this dude so you shouldn't call him rude and arrogant, and wonder why he hasn't got fired. You don't like guitar center.... OH NO!!! don't go to guitar center.

J86_Samurai, I think you came in way too heavy handed there, you don't know this dude so you shouldn't call him rude and arrogant, and wonder why he hasn't got fired. You don't like guitar center.... OH NO!!! don't go to guitar center.


I don't think I came in heavy handed at all, why don't you go back and re-examine his post before making a judgement on what I said. Everytime I as well as any friend, aquaintance or friend of a friend has gone to Guitar Center, this has always become the issue, I don't mind someone posting their opinions or their feelings, however, such blatent negativity bordering on hatred for the people that come into their store is ridiculous.

Yes, kids come in and play Dean's obnoxiously loud through halfstacks their parents buy them. Yes, they wear Slayer shirts, yes, they play horriblly executed versions of famous songs.

Life is short. A little fun here and there doesn't kill anyone. Once again, let me make this point: We were all those kids once. Is it by some inane sense of jealousy that you're complaining about parents buying their kids gear because your parents didn't support you? Not all of us travel the same roads, each of us goes down a different path that leads to the same place. What's with the negativity about wearing band shirts? Do you not own one?

All of this, SHIT for lack of a better term frustrates me beyond all comprehension. You get frustrated with me for calling you out on the fact that your inhabition to talk about this kids or people as if they are the slime that corrodes the world (yours specifically), also transcends the fact that you more than likely ACT *in the real world* like this at your job.
I have read both posts. He should probably quite his job if he hates it but I bring back my point that you shouldn't have made stupid remarks about someone you have never met.

If he has to deal with absolute shit all day for no money can you honestly blame him and say that you would be happy doing that?

Some heated words have been exchanged here and some valid points have been raised. I agree that many of us were that kid once, but there does come a point where the absurdity hits appalling levels, i.e. being asked how to put on a guitar strap...when the strap is already on the guitar. Yes, that's right, I've actually had to physically lift a guitar over a customer's head and put it on him. Not even a kid, BTW. Approximate age was 24. When you have to basically do the musicians equivalent of dressing someone for them, it can jade you a bit. That being said, praise Allah that I work in the recording department because guitars is a notorious shit show.

Samurai; I agree, the guy was venting and nothing he said was horribly offensive, like say, calling for the genocide of all puppies and kittens. Just a GC employee who's getting it from both sides letting off some steam. As for music store employees trying to "screw" musicians, I almost wish it were so black-and-white simple as "being screwed" or "not being screwed". As another poster pointed out, Some companies and sometimes their distributors heavily frown upon us giving discounts to customers. It can cause us to lose dealership, they can punish us by upping our individual company costs for product or my personal favorite, they can "forget" to ship our stuff making it amazingly late and causing our customers to hate us. Furthermore, (though I'm not sure GC is) music sales staff who operate on a salary plus commision basis don't want to give discounts because when a customer says something as seemingly harmless as "hey dude, can you give me a better price on this/can I get a discount/can I get a deal?" to the salesman this roughly translates to "can I have some money directly out of you pocket so you can't afford that new amp for yourself / you can't make rent unless you eat Kraft Dinner and Ramen noodles for 30-45 meals a month". Regardless of the actual product being sold, 75% of all commisioned sales staff aren't making tons of money, so asking for a discount right out the gate is pretty innappropriate. And regardless of whether or not the staff is commissioned the truth is on 80% of all the product stocked, we make just enough margin to pay the employees and keep the lights on and water running.

The "unless you can do it better" comment; I like it! Very true! You see a lot of people heralding the age of incompetence of others, but pretty much 100% of the time see them clam up after walking a mile in their shoes. Of course, there are some people who are in the position where they've become so bitter, that it's apparent they shouldn't be doing that job, but that could be said for so many careers.

Finally, I think the best point raised was the free choice argument. For example, I don't like Behringer products really; solution: I don't buy them and I don't even waste my time looking at them. So if you don't like Guitar Center, don't shop there. If you even hate the mom & pop shop down the steet from GC, don't shop there either. Maybe you hate computers and buying online, so why the hell would you buy from Sweetwater? Moral of the story: stick with what works for you.
I have read both posts. He should probably quite his job if he hates it but I bring back my point that you shouldn't have made stupid remarks about someone you have never met.

If he has to deal with absolute shit all day for no money can you honestly blame him and say that you would be happy doing that?


I do indeed deal with absolute shit all day for no money, yet, I have learned the ability to a) be content, b) understand that which Steve Vai stated that this is by no means the end, just the means to them.

I don't intend to piss anyone off by my statements, so if you get pissed or upset, that's not my fault.

With that said, this meeting is adjourned.