Guitar Heroes Album.

^That's because he's the greatest and most inspiring guitarist in the whole wide world. And don't even think of Pablo now!!!!

Sorry, I don't have any mercy when it comes to my alltime-hero ;)
I'm sure alot of people haven't even heard of him for some reason. Practically anyone who's into guitar will rank PG high.
Do you mean many people haven't heard from Paul or Steve?

I actually rank PG directly after Steve Vai. I'm not into Mr.-Boring-Pop-Satriani anymore ;)

Me too, though this shouldn't be a contest :rolleyes: I find Satriani less "cool" nowadays since I've discovered many other talented guitarists.

But you bitches ain't got nothin' on JB! :lol:
Do you mean many people haven't heard from Paul or Steve?

I actually rank PG directly after Steve Vai. I'm not into Mr.-Boring-Pop-Satriani anymore ;)

I'm not saying they would rate him higher than Vai, some might though. But i was saying that if people heard the Racer X stuff and the terrifying licks they would rank Paul high on their list.
Roope Latvala

"There was some of songs of mine which were supposed to go for the next Sinergy album, which never seemed to happen... So I just took a track and turned the whole thing into a guitar-action-song."

haha, fucking cool :D
Allu: "This whole project came in the worst possible time for me, because I was tied with all my Bodom work, and I didn't even have spare time to show anyone how the song goes. So it might have been possible to make my song better, but it works ok now after all. It took me all of half a day to make that song."

edit. Finnish speakers, check out the latest Soundi Magazine, Allu is on the cover and there's a long story where he speaks about guitar playing, musical influences, touring and many other things.
Do you mean many people haven't heard from Paul or Steve?

I actually rank PG directly after Steve Vai. I'm not into Mr.-Boring-Pop-Satriani anymore ;)

hahaha!never been into Satriani,I find him exactly as you describe him.I really like Steve Vai(my hero is Alexi,but I recognise that Vai's way better,maybe that's why he's not my hero,because I'll never be able to play and innovate like him,:p).

I also find really inspiring and good John Petrucci.even though he has less techniques to show and he's less spectacular(a Vai show is something that you can't tell,you have to go and see it,because it's not only the music but all what Vai puts around it,and also his funny faces while playing, :D
hahaha!never been into Satriani,I find him exactly as you describe him.I really like Steve Vai(my hero is Alexi,but I recognise that Vai's way better,maybe that's why he's not my hero,because I'll never be able to play and innovate like him,:p).

I also find really inspiring and good John Petrucci.even though he has less techniques to show and he's less spectacular(a Vai show is something that you can't tell,you have to go and see it,because it's not only the music but all what Vai puts around it,and also his funny faces while playing, :D

When it comes to Rythm, i think Alexi is one of the best metal rythm players. Pretty much every Sinergy song has atleast something cool in them. I like some Vai songs, but overall i just prefer others. Paul Gilbert has the best lead playing though, it all sounds so tight, even though others may be more innovative