Guitar players

Hey. im a guitar player of about 4 years, maybe a bit more or less now, i cant really remember. i use the following in a melodic death metal band, major influences being at the gates, soilwork and the mighty arch enemy:

Jackson SLSMG - tuned to B
Jackson SL-2H - tuned standard
Jackson RR-1 - tuned to D

Marshall DSL amp
Marshall JCM cab

Various Boss effects pedals
I've been playing for 9 years now.
Spent most of it playing bass.

At the moment I only have a bodgy yamaha,
but I'm saving up for an Ibanez RG.

I use a Ross bass amp.(can't remember what type).

Speaking of gear, does anyone know what gear Borknagar use?
droooll... great setup Lordhypnos... I want a jackson RR1..
but they cost like 3000-4000 american dollars here in Norway.:mad:
Jackson guitars are nicest... wouldn't mind having a Jackson warrior.
As you may have guessed I play guitar. I've played for about 1,5 years...I think. Play in several metal bands..
I own:
-Ibanez Rg470 with an EMG-81 in the bridge.(tuned standard).
- ESP H-207 7string guitar tuned to B.. (sometimes I tune B-string to A).
-Behringer Vamp2...PODkiller.. kicks PoDs arse.
- Mardhall MG80RCD combo.

+ My father have a mandolin which I sometimes play.
I will maybe put some samples of this and my guitar workout on

My main influences are bands like : In Flames, At the Gates, Opeth, Borknagar, Immortal, Susperia, Finntroll,Dark Tranquillity +++
I have an Epiphone SG-400 (cherry) with Gibson specs.
I play through a Peavey 65W Studio Pro 112 TransTube amp.
With that, I use a Korg Ax1000G multi-F/X processor.
And, of course, I also have a classical guitar (Sevilla by Admira).
Lol, well, I have an acoustic guitar, more than that
I dunno.... >:eek:P Oh, wait! It's an aria acoustic >:eek:P
My father bought it cheap, and then I took it with
me when I moved >:eek:) hehe....

Just as Morgie I only play for myself, but that's just
cause I suck! hehe...
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Just as Morgie I only play for myself, but that's just
cause I suck! hehe...

Well, that basically holds true for myself as well. Only that I can play much louder and with much more distortion. ;)
Originally posted by Somber Soul
Well, that basically holds true for myself as well. Only that I can play much louder and with much more distortion. ;)

Lol! So getting an electric will make me
sound so much better, yeah? hehe... >:eek:P

I'll have to save up for a really long time
first though... My dream is a Gibson,
Les Paul custom! >:eek:) *Starts drooling*
I have a simple Fender Squier-guitar (Stratocaster copy hehe), A Peavey RAGE 158-amplifier, and a Marshall Chorus effect-pedal.

I play in two bands, my own project called "Averathinx" (playing some psychadelic metal, hehe... Or it could be "atmospheric metal"...)

And also with my brother and a friend in "Korgh Anka", which may not be such a serious band as the name tells... We simply play what we think sounds good:D
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Lol! So getting an electric will make me
sound so much better, yeah? hehe... >:eek:P

I'll have to save up for a really long time
first though... My dream is a Gibson,
Les Paul custom! >:eek:) *Starts drooling*

Yeah, right, that's what I meant. ;) Just turn up the gain to 10, the volume high up and you will sound good (you wish anyway :D)!!!

My dream is a black Gibson LP...
hey, we have quite a gathering of guitar players here. glad to know that you lads do pick up the instrument instead of just listening to what the market has to offer.

here's my gear acquisition so far:
*Ibanez RG7620
*Ibanez S540
*Ibanez RG560
*Ibanez GAX 70
*Ibanez RX 40
*Gibson Les Paul Studio
*Fender American Std Telecaster
-coming: PRS McCarty (darn, it's taking too long this one...)

*Fender Bullet
*Marshall DSL 401
*Fender Tone Master cab 4X12 (Celestion V-30s)
-coming: Peavey Ultra Plus (head, due September '02)

i'm more of a guitar fan really, i listen to any guitar manipulations of any genre. i find that there are really talented players in the aggressive genre. my fav player is Mayhem's Blasphemer. he's one technical lad who fuses intelligent guitar inputs into the band. i've been listening & studying his methods quite a bit...

what made me listen to Borknagar- TYR. this lad is a gifted bassist. just listen to his materials in Empiricism, you can hear some of the fretless stuff in there. sadly, his contributions in Emperor's live album is arguably inaudible.

from the pics, it seems that Borknagar's playing Gibsons. the lack of any whammy bar manipulations in the recording vouches just that.

hey keep the post going, kudos!
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Oh, and check out this thread -->

It's times like this I wish I was a really
good guitarplayer! >:eek:)

Oh well, all I need is that electric guitar,
and use loads and loads of distortion :eek:P

Thanks, I just read the thread. You growl? Seriously? Like the new Arch Enemy vocalist? Cooool! :eek:

Yeah, you got the point: lots and lots and lots of distortion. Ah well, who are we kidding. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean you needn't be able to actually play well...hehe...but some serious shredding with lots of noise is always possible that when we all come to Oslo one day, we can make an UM all-star shredding fest...;)

@ Bloodswords: Impressive collection there! You really are into guitars! ;)
Originally posted by Somber Soul

Thanks, I just read the thread. You growl? Seriously? Like the new Arch Enemy vocalist? Cooool! :eek:

I don't know if I can growl like that Arch Enemy chick,
though I haven't tried with bands I like yet. Only with
my own music... hehe.... It's cool stuff, but I need lots
of practise cause I get a soar throat! Hehe... :eek:)
Originally posted by Somber Soul

Thanks, I just read the thread. You growl? Seriously? Like the new Arch Enemy vocalist? Cooool! :eek:

hmmm... *BRAG mode* i have growl like Angela of Arch Enemy, but a little bit lower and much aggressive. i recorded 2 albums with my old band Immemorial, debut album Enter Chaos (will be release august/september) and i sang in 2 song on debut black metal band Luna Ad Noctum (will be out in late september):D

if we talk about equipment - i havn't even a microphone :devil:
Bloodswords...quite the fan of Ibanez are we? I have never really liked any Ibanez ive ever owned...many reasons, i wont get into them now. A for being a fan of blasphemer...your the first person ive ever known to appreciate what he does. I myself think hes a good guitar player...but possibly one of the worst songwriters in the black metal scene...maybe im being a bit harsh...but grand declerations was a complete flop and a disgrace to that bands legendary name. oh well. anyway, keep rocking everyone!
I only own ONE guitar and ONE amp. And I've been using them for 4 years now. The one and only B.C. Rich Warlock w/ Widow Headstock. People say they suck now or whatever, but they're just so easy to play for me. My amp is a little 30w Kareoke(sp?) amp. I play a DOD Death Metal distortion pad through it, and it sounds VERY nice. Gives me that crunchy sound I love.

Main influences for me are: Iced Earth, Emperor, and the mighty Borknagar :)
i own more ibanez than any other guitar brands because of personal appeal. i'll grab guitars which will manifest my articulation more than anything else. the reason why i chose to invest in a costly PRS McCarty, otherwise i'd just be content with several more ibanez...

i appreciate Mayhem's Grand Declaration of War as it was a bold step in conceptualizing that kind of offering despite the expectations from the market/ fans/ peers. we know Blasphemer can replicate Euronymous-era mayhem materials, just listen to mayhem live. his solo improvisations on the older mayhem songs were also appropriate & tasteful. the Wolf's Lair Abyss release showed that he was engaged in that kinda song writing mode. he chose to be otherwise in Grand Declaration... this release was also an intelligent one because it started off with bits of Wolf's Lair Abyss (The Symbol of Bloodswords) so it got certain fans excited but went on in an entirely different direction. there's no point in choosing a note & grinding it forever; it's fashionable & established bands have moved away from this concept.

i enjoy players who play with a touch of finesse- Destructor (Myrkskog), Cyrus (Susperia), Ihsan (ex-Emperor) etc. as oppossed to those who generate noise for the sake of it. :zombie: