Guitar Pro 6 Worth The Upgrade?


New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2010
Seattle, Washington
Has anyone tried guitar pro 6 yet and can tell me if there is anything that is easier in 6 than 5 or anything else that's not covered in the website? and if they find the workflow in general easier? I'm using the demo and find it pretty much the same. I like the RSE 2 cause it sounds fun.

Reason I ask is because I've been a guitar pro 5 user for creating songs for a couple of years and am wondering if gp6 is worth $30 upgrade.
I used to use gp5 all the time but now i just do all my midi within my DAW, namely drums. GP6 does look sweet but i haven't tried it! sorry for not being much help

And it is really sad to me to say that, but they got it all wrong on Guitar Pro 6. I can list a lot of things that are absolutely stupid on the new version, but only the fact that I can´t "tab" drums using General Midi code is enough for me to not use the program. They believe they are on the 'sampler business' competing with the likes of Propellerheads Reason instead of the 'writting tool business'. They have no idea of who their consumers are neither what they want. It´s pretty sad that they don´t have serious competition on the market.
They believe they are on the 'sampler business' competing with the likes of Propellerheads Reason instead of the 'writting tool business'


Thats pretty funny...
TBH I'd rather spend the £30 towards something better.

Arent there any better alternatives to guitar pro that anyone knows about?
theres powertab, but that is WANK
I just stick to gp5. then again I honestly havent used in ageeeees . sometimes quickly to type in a chord to make sure i constructed it right but thats it

And it is really sad to me to say that, but they got it all wrong on Guitar Pro 6. I can list a lot of things that are absolutely stupid on the new version, but only the fact that I can´t "tab" drums using General Midi code is enough for me to not use the program. They believe they are on the 'sampler business' competing with the likes of Propellerheads Reason instead of the 'writting tool business'. They have no idea of who their consumers are neither what they want. It´s pretty sad that they don´t have serious competition on the market.

Haven't checked it, bus as a Gp user since Gp3 I'm really dissapointed to hear that. It is a songwriting tool, the whole RSE thing has always been bullshit, and sounded like complete shit in GP5, prefer the standard midi sound over that shit that only sounds like a ball of cowturd
We should convince Slate Digital to do one There´s a lot of market for it.

Fuck yes... pleaseeee.... I cannot stand guitar pro. I've used stuff like Sibelius in the past and if someone could just make a guitar-songwriting-tool-tab-thingy-software-equivalent id basically just go and buy it straight away.
if someone could just make a guitar-songwriting-tool-tab-thingy-software-equivalent id basically just go and buy it straight away.

....errr that IS guitar pro :)
I think its (gp5) a pretty damn easy thing to get used to, yes it sounds like balls but who cares. I just use it for practicing and its a good tool to exchange ideas with friends rather than having to plug all your shit in and record the idea
No it just surprises me that considering that software like Sibelius exists, that theres no better guitar tab software thats all.
Tuxguitar is a free (LGPL free, not 'no cost' free) clone that does the trick well enough.


Holy shit dude, I checked it now. How come I had never heard of this thing? It is EXACTLY what I was looking for! A Guitar Pro without bullshit, lighter and compatible with GuitarPro format. The program deserves a thread. Thanks for the heads up. :notworthy
thats quite the compliment to that program
i might have to check it out later
Does Tuxguitar have percussion instruments?

Yep. You create a new track, open its properties (like where you choose the midi instrument and the tunning of each string) and there´s a check box to make it a percussion track. Guys, check the program. You don´t even need to learn how to use it, it looks just like if a person with good taste modded GuitarPro. I gonna make a thread about it with screenshots today.
There are one or two note attributes that can be applied in Guitar Pro but not in TuxGuitar. However that doesn't really matter when you are just using the program for songwriting. So yeah, when I opened this thread I was gonna recommend TuxGuitar as well.
The lack of tab editing drums is just fucking stupid in GP6.
I don't even understand why they removed it. We are so many people using it to write songs, it's just insane they don't even care.

I'm sticking to GP5.