Guitarist argument


Guilty Gear
Jul 21, 2002
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I have a few friends that are cool guys and all, but they just seem to have no respect for prog music at all. We got into this big debate about how they think Jimi Hendrix is the best guitarist ever, and if anyone else was to come close it would be Carlos Santana and Eric Clapton. They say guitarists like Romeo and Petrucci are just playing a bunch of scales and arpegios and that Hendrix has more talent because he was never taught how to play and just plays whatever comes to him. Now dont get me wrong, I have respect for him as an influancial musician and everything, but I just dont understand why people rate him so high and cant respect and understand how good most prog guitarists are. He had the nerve to say "you wouldnt know a good guitarist if it bit you in the ass" even after hearing the ussual stuff on my playlist plenty of times, not to mention he doesnt even play anything, I at least play bass. I dunno, I dont really know what im trying to get at here, since theres 3 of those guys and they are very opinionated its hard to really convince them of anything when its 3 against 1, so I guess im just venting in a place where musically intelligent people would understand. Any thoughts?
Tell them that Allan Holdsworth shits on every other guitarist on the planet and leave it at that...tell them that Tali said so.

A good guitarist doesn't have to resort to ass biting either.
I did have a very opinionated friend once.
The last thing I told him was 'to write a book'.

Quite frankly, I think someone needs new friends. How old are you, BTW?
There are way more talented guitarist out there than Clapton and Hendrix. Your friends are just ignorant and very closed minded. Enough said.
Not to be a dick, but one could call you oppinionated. Depends on which side you are on. Me? I think it's just a pissing contest either way. Let's all just whip out our guitar playing penises and see who's is bigger shall we?

I have to say that this discussion of who is the best guitarist is getting really goddamned old. I vote for Jack White. Or the guy from nirvana
Zax666 said:
I did have a very opinionated friend once.
The last thing I told him was 'to write a book'.

Quite frankly, I think someone needs new friends. How old are you, BTW?
Im 21. These guys are cool its just that they have bad taste in that respect. Big stoners so they like all the bob marly and other stonerish stuff. I smoke too but I still respect quality music for what it is, one of em even likes rap, oh well
When I was studying music in high school, during a discussion about guitarists we did or did nto like, I claimed i did not like Hendrix at all I was branded a racist.
Quite different backgrounds for these guitar players. Hendrix was monumental for bringing the guitar to the forefront of rock music. However, his background was in R&B and Blues music. His playing precedes Michael Romeo by three decades. His rhythmic playing is most impressive to me. To play all those syncopations, double stops, and hammer-ons while singing lead vox as well (in a power trio to boot) is amazing to me. I don't know of any other player who can match Hendrix in this aspect. His lead playing may not have been very impressive in today's standards, but think of what Romeo might sound like if he relied solely on a guitar (with much much much weaker pickups than that X2N/Tone Zone combination he uses), a chord, an amp, and speakers with holes punched through the cones for distortion. No delay, chorus, distortion, or any other processing.

Romeo is simply a brilliant guitar player though, as are many others in this day and age. The evolution of the modern rock player has much to be attributed to the groundwork laid by Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, Page, and myriad others though.
Julz said:
When I was studying music in high school, during a discussion about guitarists we did or did nto like, I claimed i did not like Hendrix at all I was branded a racist.
Cool, I once saw one guy from my country being accused of being a nazi just because he said races are different and there's nothing wrong about it. The other guy was being a racist, IMHO.:err:
ABQShredHead said:
Quite different backgrounds for these guitar players. Hendrix was monumental for bringing the guitar to the forefront of rock music. However, his background was in R&B and Blues music. His playing precedes Michael Romeo by three decades. His rhythmic playing is most impressive to me. To play all those syncopations, double stops, and hammer-ons while singing lead vox as well (in a power trio to boot) is amazing to me. I don't know of any other player who can match Hendrix in this aspect. His lead playing may not have been very impressive in today's standards, but think of what Romeo might sound like if he relied solely on a guitar (with much much much weaker pickups than that X2N/Tone Zone combination he uses), a chord, an amp, and speakers with holes punched through the cones for distortion. No delay, chorus, distortion, or any other processing.

Romeo is simply a brilliant guitar player though, as are many others in this day and age. The evolution of the modern rock player has much to be attributed to the groundwork laid by Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, Page, and myriad others though.
Dude, I've played clean solos myself, they don't require THAT different style at all, not to meniton that MJR has an amazing feel of melody.
ElvenShadow said: I guess im just venting in a place where musically intelligent people would understand. Any thoughts?
This has to be the dumbest thing i have ever heard, and i can say this being a part of this community. I mean, Who cares who is better. Seriously, i can sum up this whole arguement with a singlepicture (courtesy of

That's all this is is one big wanking discussion. I can't even begin to show you how hypocritical it is to say "ok, he didn't agree with my musical tastes, so lets go to the place where everyone will agree with me and talk about how wrong he is" when you say that when he was doing the EXACT SAME THING, he was being a dumbass. How is that fair?
People have different opinions, man. Live with it. Hendrix was good in his own way... like someone already said, he's unmatched at singing/playing. And he's one of the few guys where you could say the guitar was like a third arm to him - an extension of his body. I used to be very anti-Hendrix, but he really impresses me sometimes. Plus he was the guy who made the guitar KICK ASS. Up until him, you could tell your parents you wanted an electric guitar and they wouldn't be like "Noooo!"

If it weren't for Jimi, Page, and those guys... none of the guys you like would be rocking out, or maybe even playing guitar. That doesn't make them the best, but they deserve respect. And most people will always say Hendrix is the best ever, it's something we have to deal with.
theodyssey said:
Not to be a dick, but one could call you oppinionated. Depends on which side you are on. Me? I think it's just a pissing contest either way. Let's all just whip out our guitar playing penises and see who's is bigger shall we?

I have to say that this discussion of who is the best guitarist is getting really goddamned old. I vote for Jack White. Or the guy from nirvana
Nice Avatar man, I have that tattood on my arm.
Hm. You should introduce your friends to Roine Stolt (The Flower Kings, Transatlantic). He does pretty much everything that the "classic" greats have done (he started playing in the late 60s, after all). I think he's the best combination of Hendrix, Santana, and Gilmour.

I like Jimi Hendrix a lot, btw. One has to wonder what he would have produced if he had lived in the 80s and 90s when metal was taking hold.
Ugh, not this crap again....

I remember some guy at my work argueing about how Richy Sambora was the greatest ever, so I slipped him a Yngwie CD (one of his live ones I think) and he never, ever spoke another word about Richy or guitar..remember, most of these people who argue about talent are so singleminded that its pointless to even argue...
RobbM said:
Ugh, not this crap again....

..remember, most of these people who argue about talent are so singleminded that its pointless to even argue...

It's OK to bring up this crap though many people have argued about who is the best for decades. I quite agree that you can't argue with singleminded people. They have heard that Clapton and Hendrix were guitargods and they proclaim this as some kind of gospel. But every musical style and era has its own heroes. Romeo is considered one of the best guitarists in prog in this day and age, but they refuse to accept that. And playing like that sure takes more than just practice. It also takes talent.
Just don't compare Hendrix to a present day guitarist because like said before amps, FXs, recording techniques etc are very different now. Hendrix and Clapton and Page were sort of pioneers and were breaking ground on guitar. You can't take that away from them.