Guitarist STEVE SMYTH Parts Ways With NEVERMORE - Aug. 30, 2007

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By a bizarre twist of fate, I have received a thread from this board from the future, dated after the release of the new album which features Will Bozarth only in a 2 minute kazoo interlude. However, it seems time has passed since that release whereupon animosity has built up... culminating in Will quitting the band. He has a ramen addiction to feed, afterall!

It would seem, though, that the fans are not entirely too happy......

this_codless_endeavor said:
wtg lamerz! This wuz the greatest NVRMR album yet cuz of THE BOZZERNATOR. zomg loomis can't write songs this good on his own. and wowzah the lyrics were so deep, like all that stuff about robots and how they just want hugs. MOAR BOZZY.

zombie_etherealsadness said: I'm going to throw myself in front of a train again

I'd love to see Chris in the band. I really want to punch him in the kidney and tell him to get working on the next Jag Panzer album as well.
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