I was 9 when Politics came out. Politics was the first record I heard in 1999 (When I was 12). After that, it was DNB, then the rest of the back catalogue, then you obviously know the order to the present. there is more emotion, energy, and inspiration in the older albums. the intensity is still there nowadays, but the "wow"ing guitar riffs aren't exactly there anymore. that's what I love about the older material. the riffs were INSANE. Jeff didn't seem afraid to try something weird before Dead Heart. Since he started playing a 7-string, it seems like he just relies on that. He's gotten alot better since Dead Heart. TGE is MUCH better than Dead Heart. Enemies would be alot better than TGE if it had more songs. It seems as though Jeff finally got a grip on how the 7 string works, so I doubt I'll gripe about the next CD as much.
THAT is why THIS fag has a cock up his ass when it comes to the newer albums.