Jeez. Don't just play songs!!!! Metronome!!! 100% of the time!!!! Always use it!!!!
I'm a percussionist by trade, so trust me, I'm very familiar with the click
Jeez. Don't just play songs!!!! Metronome!!! 100% of the time!!!! Always use it!!!!
Jeez. Don't just play songs!!!! Metronome!!! 100% of the time!!!! Always use it!!!!
That would make sense if we were playing metronomes. But we're playing music. Alot of music you can play to is recorded to metronomes, and you have to learn how to play to the music. There's a lot more to the feel of playing guitar than just playing in time. A metronome is good, don't get me wrong, but sorry dude, I gotta say playing to music is much more important. And being able to groove and "feel" a off-time (as in not to a click) drummer is equally as important as playing to a metronome.
I have a song for your to play...Meshuggah's "Bleed" :Smug:
I've been working on that like mad, shit is intense as fuck.