Guitarists - getting better at triplets?

try playing some iced earth stuff....try to stay relaxed and just use your wrist and not the whole arm ; )

edit: at least i guess that's what you ment, stylewise. cause playing one triplet isnt that difficult^^

you mean somthng like a "16th 16th 8th" pattern, right?
Jeez. Don't just play songs!!!! Metronome!!! 100% of the time!!!! Always use it!!!!

That would make sense if we were playing metronomes. But we're playing music. Alot of music you can play to is recorded to metronomes, and you have to learn how to play to the music. There's a lot more to the feel of playing guitar than just playing in time. A metronome is good, don't get me wrong, but sorry dude, I gotta say playing to music is much more important. And being able to groove and "feel" a off-time (as in not to a click) drummer is equally as important as playing to a metronome.
I only play to a click when it's drums. I'm a tight enough bass and guitar player that if I have a drum-track, I don't need a click. It's trying to strike the balance between tightness and groove, in my experience.. clicks can't help with that.
That would make sense if we were playing metronomes. But we're playing music. Alot of music you can play to is recorded to metronomes, and you have to learn how to play to the music. There's a lot more to the feel of playing guitar than just playing in time. A metronome is good, don't get me wrong, but sorry dude, I gotta say playing to music is much more important. And being able to groove and "feel" a off-time (as in not to a click) drummer is equally as important as playing to a metronome.

I 100% disagree! We will have to agree to disagree. The more you are friendly with a metronome, the better you can "feel" an "off-time" groove! I dislike seeing bands when they are offtime though. Sounds like they don't have their shit together! My band only plays with a click at practice, in the studio and most importantly, live. People always are shocked how tight we are!

I would rather play to a metronome than an "off-time" drummer!!!! It is my opinion that a drummer shouldn't EVER play without a metronome!

I think that boils down to personal philosophy.

I would never play live with a click track (especially not with my rock band) if there aren't backing tracks automated. And even then it's rather a compromise than the ideal solution. For me at least.

You can be tight and on time but still dynamically (as in tempo, not volume) move as an entity, when you feed off each other's or the crowd's energy.

I want to be able to spontaneously raise a few bpm if it's a really intense show, without having to reprogram my click-track.

And if you got good musicians you can pull this off without suddenly being all over the place, because they will be able to adjust without the "safety net" click-track.

Take a drummer like Dave Lombardo, he's almost always on the verge of going off because he might throw a random fill in here and there. But that's part of what makes him so awesome IMO, because ITE he rarely really fucks things up.

Whether you play Technical Death Metal or just Punk, it's all more or less a Rock'n'Roll derivative to me.

Not saying you are wrong, because there is no right or wrong, but that's my personal philosophy of what a live show should be about.