Guitarists: Prepare to be disheartened

GOOD FUCKIN' LORD. This kid's only eight? That's how old I was when I STARTED playing. I'm 15 (and a half >_>) now and I'm STILL not even REMOTELY close to being that good. *Sigh.* I guess I could use this as inspiration.
He does indeed have skill. The fact is that he's 8, so he's basically just reciting notes. I didn't feel any passion from his playing, but if he stays with it I'm sure he'll come to understand what he's doing. I just hope he appreciates it, because if you don't you might as well not play. I've been playing piano for 20 years, and I remember what it was like to recite notes.
Yeah, his improvisation is stale and lifeless, but that's fair enough. You can tell most of his development came from strict theory adherence. I hope he uses his gift later on to create inspirational, yet technical music - not monotonous wankery like Malmsteen and such.
hmm, the fat midget is a good guitar player. you can tell the goofy bassist was jealous. the only thing that disheartened me was when the cam zoomed in, and i found out that the child wasn't wearing a red miami dolphins cap.
i thought he was wearing a red miami dolphins cap for a second too, but i wasn't disappointed at all when i found out otherwise.

gotta hand it to the kid. he's probably the only person in his class that can play such unlistenable music. i bet he joins G3 though and Petrucci molests him.
He certaintly has talent, but all that mindless wankery is boring and unispired as hell.
I'd be much more impressed if he started spouting off some blues licks ala Clapton on Bluesbreakers.