Guitarists: Prepare to be disheartened

Sanzen said:
If speed is a purely physical and mechanical skill, how is that kid's playing different from a kid managing to run a 3-minute mile?

Awful comparison, Sanzen, which was one of the reasons why I didn't bother to answer it. Not because I'm attempting to be a smartass towards you.

Sure, shredding on the fretboard is a physcial skill, obtained by constant hours of practicing the precise exercises that enhance your hand's mobility and control. Sure, your wrist and forearm will tire easily as a complete novice to the instrument, or most instruments for that matter, but it isn't a technique that is acquired only by maturity and growth.

Which is a quality that is necessary for a kid to be in the type of physical condition you speak of, at least for one to run the 3-minute mile, or to excel in strenuous physical activities. Unless there is a "freak" of some sort, that was born with the perfect genetics. I forget the child's name, but there was one case I heard of concerning that matter. I'll search for him later on.

How many children have you seen--mostly on the internet--with the ability to play their instruments at a qualified speed? Quite a few youngsters have risen and shown us just that. Speed can be obstained on an instrument at a fairly quick pace, child or not, and you don't need the genetics or the I.Q. to be an instrumental technician, for that matter. You don't have to be a "freak". However, if he is a theory wizard, I'll give him loads of credit.

How many children have you seen with the ability to lift weights, run at extreme distances, or was an adult's equal in martial arts? Not many at all.

Your question doesn't make sense.

Sanzen said: my last post, I remember saying "I see where you're coming from" and generally being decent towards you. I WANTED to see your response to my post (which you have yet to give), and when i ask you about it, I get your smart-ass reply.

I'm sorry you took it that way. Your answer is above.

Sanzen said:
BUT WAIT! All of a sudden I'M the ignorant one!

Don't put words in my mouth, Sanzen. I never implied that you were.

Sanzen said:
Get off it dude. You're an elitist prick who refuses to acknowledge an EIGHT YEAR OLD's physical ability.

Dude, he's a fucking fatass. And I already discussed how one, child or not, can obtain hand dexterity without being gifted on an instrument.

Sanzen said:
I'm thinking it's so you can look cool and everyone will say, "Hey, that Guitarmaster...he's so above that silly "speed" issue!"

Not at all.

Sanzen said:
Come on man. Throw down a recording. If that whole speed thing is so easy, let's see you lay it down.

If I had the proper equipment, and knew how to operate a computer correctly, I'd be more than happy to comply.
Guitarmaster said:
If I had the proper equipment, and knew how to operate a computer correctly, I'd be more than happy to comply.

if you can install a program, plug your guitar into your comp's mic jack via converter, and can press the 'record' button on a recording program, then you know how to operate a computer correctly and are able to record.