
Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Ok, so here's the score: I'm currently using a Marshall JCM 2000 DSL half stack with a Boss GT-8 for all the effects that humankind could ever want/need. Now I want something with more balls because imo, the DSL just doesn't have them. I'm leaning towards the Peavey 6505 or the Peavey XXX. If any of you play and have used these amps before, which do you prefer? Before you say Mesa, I don't like Mesas. They sound like the notes are being drug down a gravel road. Power, they have. Tone, they don't...unless we're talking the clean channel. Any recommendations would be grateful.

Also, I'm on a budget, which means that I know that a Soldano SLO-100 is the greatest amplifier ever built, but I don't have 3500 bucks to dump on one.
I own a 100 watt 5150 which is essentially a 6505. It's clean tone is ass, but it's got one of the best dry distortion tones out there. It's ballsy as hell, and it's pretty warm as well. You're looking for a good distortion and clean tone, go with the Peavey JSX. It's got a crystal clear clean tone and 2 distortion channels. They're both really fat sounding and are ballsy as well.
I'd stray towards the XXX. Always a favorite of mine, always the wish list. The 6505 is also definitely great, but you might want to try and find yourself an old 5150... that'll definitely kick you back into high-gear.

I still run a little 40 watt practice amp... I have no money for anything... I spent it all on Ibanez Tone-Lok Effects. haha.

The clean tone I'm not so worried about because I just use the 4 cable method on the GT8 and bypass the amp's power amp completely and use the crystal clear tones that the GT8 possesses...I don't think any amp can replicate some of the awesome tones that it has, except of course for a JC-120.
I heard you can get some GREAT tones from the Spider II, but I'm a little wary of solid states. I'll definitely try it out though.
I own a 100 watt 5150 which is essentially a 6505. It's clean tone is ass, but it's got one of the best dry distortion tones out there. It's ballsy as hell, and it's pretty warm as well. You're looking for a good distortion and clean tone, go with the Peavey JSX. It's got a crystal clear clean tone and 2 distortion channels. They're both really fat sounding and are ballsy as well.

You took the words right out of my mouth. My 5150 is simply a beast!
I also play a 5150 II, and i wouldnt trade it for anything else. I personally havent tried the XXX nor the JSX, but the 5150 does everything i could ask for. I also use a MXR 10 band EQ to fine tune some of the frequencies, and with that you can pretty much shape your sound to however you please while retaining the monstrosity the 5150 gives you.
Last week I was in Bangkok and played an '84 LP thru this "Marshall"..the thing was made in India and was an obvious knock-off due to the cheap brushed finish , but sounded very nice. Anyone heard of these? I'm in Vietnam this week and will try looking if I get time. MIGHT have to get one:err:
get yourself a Triple Rectifier.

Im on a budget, i play a Crate GLX1200H 120w through a Line6 Spider II 150w cabinet with a Boss GT-6 and a BBE Sonic Maximizer 362 and The Crate alone has enough balls for me, but the GT-6 just makes it that much better.

But shit, if your really on a budget, Will has a 100w Fender .... Rocmaster i beleive its called. He plays it on the clean chanel with a nice distorted pre-amp on his GT-6 and its got TONS OF BALLS.
5150 (and all the subsequent versions (except maybe the combo, I dunno)) are 120 Watts.

Don't expect a great clean channel, and the bottom end isn't as 'tight' as a Mesa or an Engl. 5150 II sacrifices the lead channel a bit for the improved clean, but it's still a very solid, loud and heavy amp.

If I didn't own a 5150 I'd probably have an Engl Fireball or Powerball.

Getting rid of Marshall is the best thing you could do IMO.
I have the combo (1996 model) I retubed it with JJ's all the way around and put 2 low gain pre amp tubes in V3,and V4 positions. Now my rhythm channel sounds "VERY" nice clean and I get no hiss from the lead channel anymore unless I turn the gain up past 7. I usually run it between 3-5 (that's how much gain these monsters have). I also run a BBE sonic stomp in the loop and run the combo thru a THD hotplate into a Marshal 4x12 cab loaded with Greenbacks . the 5150 combo comes alive when you turn the post gain up past 4, but for practicing at home that is WAAAAAY to loud.
Also check out the new B-52 AT-100's . I also have the AT-100 212 2X12 combo and with a full retube of JJ's into the Marshall cab I get an amazing range of tones out of it.
great clean channel and tons of usable gain. the early ones had some QC problems but they've got their shit together now.
with my Hellraiser 7 I can pretty much nail the "Dead Heart in a Dead world" tone , no preblemo.
here's alink with some clips using both of my set ups so you can get an idea
of what these sound like. (they're all old school clips but I'll post some Nevermore covers up pretty soon)