Guys quick - need good headphone suggestions


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I need some cans to replace my ATH-M50s while the USD is still down. I need some decent high-end or upper-midrange can suggestions.

I find the ATHs are way too dishonest with their forward mids and it makes them useless for mixing. I'll keep them as a tracking pair, but want something a lot better for listening.

What were those sexy Sennheiser ones? I want subs and crystal highs goddamnit. Think Opals strapped to my head. HD650s weren't they? Are they some of the best sounding cans available? I want to buy a set before I go to bed, haha.

I have a set of [ame=""]Grado SR225[/ame] that are very neutral and seem to translate well. The guy in the office next to me has a set of the [ame=""]RS1's[/ame], those are the witches tit.
Thanks guys, I'll check them. I saw some 'refurbished' models of HD650s on ebay.... what's the go with that? Do you get someone else's sweat-grease on the cups.... did the drivers crap out and get replaced or is it simply someone returning a set because they didn't like them? Wondering whether those are a worthy investment, or whether one should always go brand new.

The RS-1 is a little out of my price range.
The DT-880 Pro seems a little too cheap... are there any drawbacks... is it competitive with the HD650?
Didn't compare the 880 Pro to Sennheisers but they reveal every detail and magic of a mix; you should try the suggested cans out personally!
i am saving for this beasts, or... was i?
knowing who you are and hearing your work i consider you as some one who knows what he is doing and knows what he says so there for i trust your opinion.
and now i am reading you want to replace them... i am like WTF WTF WTF what am i going to do now :lol: my mind was set on them.
just got the AKG K240 MKIIs a cpl of weeks ago, really like them and i hate cans, been speaking to Joey tonight and he loves them too!

my favorite headphones.
they don't have the subs Ermin is asking for though.

I too think the ATH-M50 are very dishonest...good cans and I'm using then for "listening for enjoyment" a lot, would never base a mix on them though
i'm digging the beyerdynamic stuff. i use the dt-770 and together with adam p11a's and they compliment each other very well. great cans for tweaking subs and certain stereo image decisions.