guys wearing sandals (WITHOUT SOCKS!) yay, or nay?

guys in sandles yay or nay?

  • wait, there's potential for that to be cute? I AM GETTING SOME

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • nay, dude. no way.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • yay! (totally dude)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • this question is FOOTIST

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters
Flip flops can be worn by men, but are only be used at/near the beach/pool.
Birkenstocks are evil.
Sandals of any other kind are to be worn by women only.


Guyz wearing those "sport sandals" anywhere besides home or the beach should be taken aside and deprogrammed accordingly.
sandals are ok to be worn as intended...without socks...

people that wear sandals and socks piss me off.

it's mostly college guys that are all about Dave Mathews and pseudo-Phish fans.

either way I wear nothing but shoes or boots...unless I'm feeling rather athletic and care-free in which case I slip into some vans or airwalks.
i had a pair of tevas i just loved to death. the problem with wearing sandals WITHOUT socks is that they begin to smell irrevocably like foot after a while and you need to just throw that shit in the trash.

(still preferable to socknsandaling around, though)
Originally posted by azal
sandals are ok to be worn as intended...without socks...

people that wear sandals and socks piss me off.

it's mostly college guys that are all about Dave Mathews and pseudo-Phish fans.

either way I wear nothing but shoes or boots...unless I'm feeling rather athletic and care-free in which case I slip into some vans or airwalks.

I need to get my friend Nils posting here. You just described his roommate, who wears clogs with no socks usually (which leads to foul-smelling feet contaminating his room) and who is a HUGE phish fan and has an issue with personal hygiene in the first place. He also has to share a bathroom with the aforementioned sex maniac who lives in the room between us and who likes to get it on in their shower.
Wow, in Israel it's decidedly easy.
If you wear flip-flops you are an "ars" (Mexican-thug type look, horrible language skills, annoying mobile phone ring, votes right-wing).
If you wear sandals with socks you are a settler.
I took one of those Mideast political selector tests once and it said YOU ARE AN ISRAELI RIGHT-WING SETTLER, which was kind of incongruous with the general political selector which labeled me a RADICAL LEFT-WING SOCIALIST. So perhaps I should wear socks with sandals when I go to Israel?

(and a t-shirt for my favourite American discount store, Target)
I have a shirt you can with a big target on the front everyone wore standing on Branko's Bridge in Belgrade waiting for NATO airplanes to bomb it.
That was the trick! We were actually trying to bomb the CHINESE EMBASSY.

haha yeah.

and don't call it a war, because no one was fighting back.

it was a US led military action, like many others before and after it....the killing of innocent civilians in an effort to oust a dictator that was far from harms way and had no chance of being killed through military action.

the american dream lives on.
i live in dearborn, which is like the arab capital of north america. they wear sandals without socks when it snows. i don't wear anything but shoes, maybe boots, i want a good pair of authentic moccasins. yeah.