ha ha. now THIS is funny...

You obviously missed my whole point. Witch was: you cannot possibly know when the band has change their style by COMPROMISING their abilities and their writing in name of getting more "Mainstream".

...Can you NOT notice the difference between '...And justice for all' and 'Metallica'??

It's not whatever the change was in name of... it is the fact that they compromised their style, period.

Listen to Megadeths 'Rust in peace', and then listen to 'Risk, and THEN try and substantiate the post that you just made...
but still, they haven't yelled out that they do it all for money


You're not the most intelligent of monkey's, now are you...??:rolleyes:

Like my last post said, i don't care WHY they changed, it's the fact that they COMPROMISED THEIR STYLE within that change.

They stopped playing good music, TALENTED and complicated music, and went for 'bar-chord-rock'.
You still didn't get my point. All that posting was WASTED for nothing.

I give up, you win, i was wrong, new metallica MUST be great, i'm going out to but LOAD now, and i might pick up some staind while I'm there, and maybe some good 'ol god-praising jesus-loving CREED... Happy now?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by tenebrose
I went to see In Flames a couple of months ago... ugh... they were bloody good, and sure, I had a jolly good time, but 70% of the people were s, who only likes In Flames when it comes to metal. In Flames were great, but the mainstreamers dressed up to look "heavy" should just sod off. If they don't usually do the devil sign and headbang their brains out, they'll have a snowball's chance in hell of looking like they fit in, doing it at an In Flames concert. :(

I skateboard, I like metal, Opeth, Death, Cynic and Morbid angel to name a few! I don´t dress metal, I find leather pants quite horrible! If you would see me in a metal concert you would problably think I was a "crowd surfing skateboarding "Rap-Metal" or Punk Rock fan" but I am not. It´s NOT about the appearance for me just the music, and I think that should be like that for everyone, you don´t have the slightest idea weather these kids like metal or if they usually do the devil sign, which by the way isn´t all that cool. I think you don´t like metal for the music, it´s obviously about doing the devil sign and dressing up in leather pants, not the music, so you can sod the fuck off!!!
Originally posted by Belial
Am I the only person who enjoyed Clayman? I liked the album, though I agree it wasn't anywhere near as good as their previous albums.

I'm just sick of this whole elitist "If you don't play a certain way, you're a sell out" thing. The metal scene has just as many "norms" of acceptablility and image as the mainstream. The fact that everyone is so willing to condemn In Flames for playing their way instead of pandering to the underground is just more proof of that. If they want to go their own way, I have no problem with it, they are following their desire. I may not like it, but I'm not going to hold some simple-minded grudge against them because that blasphemed and betrayed the "sacred metal scene" or some shit like that.

I guess In Flames decision to alter their style to their own tastes could make them a rebel among rebels. ;)

BTW, their style hasn't even changed tha much. Clayman is far from "nu-metal". Indeed it's similar to their past albums. Simpler, but similar.

no, i enojoyed clayman too and yes it wasn't as good as their earlier albums....i think most people thought that clayman was a fairly good album but when theyh heard about the slipknot tour their opinions just conviently changed and now they think that its utter shite...just shows how superficial some people are
it's only your opinion that a band have compromised their sound...so if they change their style because they want to and not for popularity and they also happen to get famous for this? just because ppl think that they're compromising their sound than it doesn't mean they are, it just means they don't like their change of style
Fuck you, cheif.

This was MY thread posting about MY hate for In Flames' new stuff. I haven't like In Flames since Colony, which was a terrible album, absolutely NOT up to the standards of Whoracle. I couldn't care less WHO they tour with, and i think that touring with Slipknot might be a good idea for them, for they will gain a wider-spread audience...

Before you start throwing around words like 'superficial', think first, because i'll be there to trip you up and step on you every time.

I HATE it when people say that I am superficial, simply because I beleive that a band should live up to and PROGRESS from the standadards that they THEMSELVES have set in their earlier albums.

Take DEATH for example, Chuck IMPROVED the 'death' sound and his own musicianship on EVERY album, and he surpassed all of his previous releases... now THERE is a man that i respect.

Bleed for me....... : Where do you draw the line, huh? You yourself said "i enojoyed clayman too and yes it wasn't as good as their earlier albums", so tell me, since you're so smart (...and I'm so superficial!!), where DO you draw the line?:

Sampling: Only for the weak (3:35), As the future repeats today (3:20)
'Stadium rock': Swim
Vocal effects: Clayman
Marilyn Manson 'speaking' vox: Only for the weak/Satellites and Austronauts
AC/DC riffing: Suburban Me

Tell me, after all that, am i still being superficial, or hasn't the line been stepped for you yet?

Originally posted by Trapped
Fuck you, cheif.

This was MY thread posting about MY hate for In Flames' new stuff. I haven't like In Flames since Colony, which was a terrible album, absolutely NOT up to the standards of Whoracle. I couldn't care less WHO they tour with, and i think that touring with Slipknot might be a good idea for them, for they will gain a wider-spread audience...

Before you start throwing around words like 'superficial', think first, because i'll be there to trip you up and step on you every time.

I HATE it when people say that I am superficial, simply because I beleive that a band should live up to and PROGRESS from the standadards that they THEMSELVES have set in their earlier albums.

Take DEATH for example, Chuck IMPROVED the 'death' sound and his own musicianship on EVERY album, and he surpassed all of his previous releases... now THERE is a man that i respect.

Bleed for me....... : Where do you draw the line, huh? You yourself said "i enojoyed clayman too and yes it wasn't as good as their earlier albums", so tell me, since you're so smart (...and I'm so superficial!!), where DO you draw the line?:

Sampling: Only for the weak (3:35), As the future repeats today (3:20)
'Stadium rock': Swim
Vocal effects: Clayman
Marilyn Manson 'speaking' vox: Only for the weak/Satellites and Austronauts
AC/DC riffing: Suburban Me

Tell me, after all that, am i still being superficial, or hasn't the line been stepped for you yet?


what i'm trying to say is that it's only your opinion that makes a band sell out....if you had liked clayman than you wouldn't have said they sold out...so you see bands only sell out because people think they do

btw i wasn't calling you superficial...that post wasn't directed at you, i don't know if that's your opinion or not...your name didn't come up in that post at all so why do u think i was calling you superficial?

when i said i think that clayman wasn't as good as their older stuff, i mean exactly that....i still think clayman is good and i don't think they sold out

oh, and what do u mean by marilyn manson 'speaking vox? i not really familiar with marilyn manson's music so i don't know what u mean (no, this is not an insult, i'm being honest)
"some good 'ol god-praising jesus-loving CREED" qoute by Trapped

have you ever listened to Creed. not a Christian rock band at all, just plain rock and roll, i too heard that Scott Stapp (singer) was a holy roller, but i was corrected by my best bud that they were not a religous group at all.
have you ever listened to Creed. not a Christian rock band at all, just plain rock and roll, i too heard that Scott Stapp (singer) was a holy roller, but i was corrected by my best bud that they were not a religous group at all.

Yes, as a matter of fact. And there is NOTHING to like about this band. Uh... dude... have you actually sat down and READ his lyrics?:

Hello my friend we meet again
It’s been a while where should
we begin…feels like forever
Within my heart are memories
Of perfect love that you gave to me
I remember

...Are you not conviced yet? He is speaking about 'finding god' again.

Next in line:

Only in America we stamp our god
"In God We Trust"

Note when he says "OUR" god.


Church bell's ringing
Pass the plate around
The choir is singing
As their leader falls to the ground
Please mister prophet man
Tell me which way to go
I gave my last dollar
Can I still come to your show

'nuff said...!

Or do you want MORE:

Out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one
I cry out to God
Seeking only his decision
Gabriel stands and confirms
I've created my own prison

Is that enough yet... or do you want me to PRINT THE WHOLE FUCKING ALBUMS OUT??

It's not the fact that they have been 'called' a religious band, i could care less what they are CALLED. Slipknot are CALLED metal, but they are FAR from it. Same with creed and Korn... I can clearly SEE by his lyrics that he is trying to 'spread the good word'. and that is shit.