Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal...ha ha ha ha

Golden Hall

The song is ringing loud
Oct 16, 2003
Santa Cruz, CA
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Have any of you seen this crap movie? I rented it the other night cause I thought it would be funny, it was hilariously bad. Basically it's about "Slade Craven" the "reigning king of death metal" (I shit you not) who is performing his farewell concert onboard an inflight 747 and broadcasting it over the internet. He looks like a cross between the Crow, Marilyn Manson, and Cradle of Filth, of course it's super controversial because of his lyrics are all evil and he claims to be the Anti-Christ, showing off his upside-down cross necklace to a reporter.

But wait! The plane gets hijacked by a Slade Craven impersonator, who is, I'm not kidding, part of an apocalyptic Satanic group who wants to crash the plane into some church in Kansas that they believe is the Seventh Gate of Hell, and by crashing the plane it will open it up and bring about the end of the world.

But the real Slade escapes from the hold of the plane and single-handedly defeats the hijackers and then manages to land the plane with the help of a computer hacker who's really good at flight simulator games, I'm not making this up. Of course the plane is full of his fans, these hilarious "crazy metalheads" that look like some Hot Topic disaster. The highlight of the film is of course when Slade is landing the plane, he looks at his upside-down cross and rips it off, then prays to God for a safe landing. See, all of you metalheads can still repent and save your soul, Slade did it!

Oh, I don't have to even tell you how bad the music is, I'm sure you can imagine, it's some ridiculous industrial, nu-metal, Marilyn Manson shit
Anything produced by a mainstream company with the work metal in combination with any word like death, dark, black or heavy is going to be some sort of crap about how the mainstream perceives any of those words. In other words, stereotypical crap.
va faaan tyura jag sitter å suåer ensame n härf va faan min syrtrta jag gråtger fgör ojan å mon brud i usa hahaha va fan jag behöver dig
amarthus said:
oh shut the fuck up

What's your problem? He stated how it is. Most Hollywood type movies are so lame, that it just shocks me as to why are they even made. I find it hard to believe that studios/producers run out of ideas. I guess morons such as yourself make majority of TV viewing audience hence the need to make such idiotic and pointles so called movies.
Tomasz said:
What's your problem? He stated how it is. Most Hollywood type movies are so lame, that it just shocks me as to why are they even made. I find it hard to believe that studios/producers run out of ideas. I guess morons such as yourself make majority of TV viewing audience hence the need to make such idiotic and pointles so called movies.

i wasn't defending the movie, i was just telling him to shut up. that guy just wanted to take a cheap shot on America.
it's obvious that the guy who started this thread was making fun of the movie and wasn't surprised that it sucked. i mean it's not like it was nominated for 15 academy awards.
of course Hollywood makes bad movies. so all movies made in Russia are just complete masterful works of art?
stating that all the movies made in America are all the same is not only absurd, but completely ignorant as well. and if you believe that too, then you're the moron.
Did I sound surprised? I said I rented it cause I thought it would be funny, I pretty much got what was expected. I always find it amusing when dumbshit TV and movie people try to portray some subculture they don't know anything about. And don't start bashing all American movies because of this straight-to-video piece of shit. Sure, a lot of of the movies Hollywood puts out are pure crap, but the best American films have always been, and always will be, the standard by which others are judged.
amarthus said:
i wasn't defending the movie, i was just telling him to shut up. that guy just wanted to take a cheap shot on America.
it's obvious that the guy who started this thread was making fun of the movie and wasn't surprised that it sucked. i mean it's not like it was nominated for 15 academy awards.
of course Hollywood makes bad movies. so all movies made in Russia are just complete masterful works of art?
stating that all the movies made in America are all the same is not only absurd, but completely ignorant as well. and if you believe that too, then you're the moron.

Strange reaction...
I have 2 tv channels which showing this kind of movies every day in nonstop... about 7-8 in 24 hours.. try to find something close to Marathon Man or Mean Streets between them... and yes I think that 95% of american video movies suck, and yes I can't campare them with swedish for example cos I dont have swedish video channel... I dont care where they made, but they made in US so wtf, its true
...question of good taste, nothing more

sorry for bad english
so again i ask... every movie in Finland and Russia(where ColdDarkNord is from) are just absolute masterpieces, right?
you see the difference between Finland and Russia is that America makes like 10 times the amount of movies that are made in those countries, so mathematically the odds are against America because it is so much larger than everyone else and there are so many more people making movies. the more of a product is made, the greater chance it has to be defective. it is not a question of culture but simply a question of population ratios.
Why ppl always try to turn the situation over ? Golden Hall started the thread about one of american video movies, stupid and incoherent one. Why u try to direct attention at russian 'n' finnish movies? Watch one and we'll talk about it, otherwise its pointless cos I saw tones of that american video crap and u prolly did not saw any russian. I know what I talking about, u are not...
The American film industry is just that, an industry, all the major film studios exist to make money, they are concerned more with the bottom line than anything else. So most of the shit they put out is rehashed, lowest common denominator garbage because it has been proven to be a successful formula. There is so much money involved in making these films, that the studio's backing them are scared of taking any risks. Criticizing the American film based on the bulk of what the industry releases is as futile as ranting about Britney Spears and boy bands. Are you going to proclaim all American bands shit because the Billboard Top 200 is regularly full of crap? Wallowing in negativity is simply a waste of time, stop focusing on all the bad movies that come out and acknowledge some of the amazing films that have come out of the US, there are certainly more than any other country.

On a side note, I've seen a number of great Swedish and Russian films, I majored in film for a couple years in college, so if anyone wants to argue film, start a new thread.
Mhh.....argue film.......no, I don't want but study film is what I will propably do:)
But America also made good movis, not video productions but other great ones.
Need examples? K, here they are:
the whole Tarantino shit!!!(I'm a fan of him - Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Kill BIll, Jacky Brown(k, this one wasn't sooo good))
Oliver Stone!!!(Platoon,Natural Born Killers and many more. His vietnam war movies are great)
David Fincher (Seven, one Alien part I think Part 3, Fight Club)
Francis Ford Koppola(i think he is written so - Apocalypse Now)
Ok Well basically i went and hired this turbulence 3 cos i had never herad of it, i watched 10 minutes and had to turn it off. Biggest piece of shit ever. Funny thing i found is why they they are saying they are death metal? and a lot of reviews around the world about this movie saying its a death metal band. ANyway I think this is where it could be good to say a few good movies from your country.

Chopper - With Eric Bana from The Hulk, Full Frontal etc... Very good movie


Well basically a lot of Hollywoods big budget movies are done in New Zealand and Australia now like Matrix, Lord of the rings, Star Wars etc. Cos of the costs, its a lot cheaper to shoot videos here. Nothing can beat New Zealands BrainDead and Bad Taste and Meet the Feebles! hahaha Peter Jackson is a killer director!
PaganBlood said:
Ok Well basically i went and hired this turbulence 3 cos i had never herad of it, i watched 10 minutes and had to turn it off. Biggest piece of shit ever. Funny thing i found is why they they are saying they are death metal? and a lot of reviews around the world about this movie saying its a death metal band. ANyway I think this is where it could be good to say a few good movies from your country.

my god. is this guy serious? do any of you really believe that more than 1% of the people in America who saw that movie actually took it seriously? is it so difficult to understand that some movies are made even with the knowledge that they will not get favorable reviews from the media? of course the movie is horrible, no one is going to debate you on that... not even the people who made it... and above all, not even the guy who started this thread!! for fuck's sake.
such ignorance
PaganBlood said:
Ok Well basically i went and hired this turbulence 3 cos i had never herad of it, i watched 10 minutes and had to turn it off. Biggest piece of shit ever. Funny thing i found is why they they are saying they are death metal? and a lot of reviews around the world about this movie saying its a death metal band. ANyway I think this is where it could be good to say a few good movies from your country.

Chopper - With Eric Bana from The Hulk, Full Frontal etc... Very good movie


Well basically a lot of Hollywoods big budget movies are done in New Zealand and Australia now like Matrix, Lord of the rings, Star Wars etc. Cos of the costs, its a lot cheaper to shoot videos here. Nothing can beat New Zealands BrainDead and Big Taste and Meet the Feebles! hahaha Peter Jackson is a killer director!

It's called Bad Taste. Other movies I like are Evil Dead, The Labyrinth Road Trip, Deranged, Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things, The Godfather, Dellamorte Dellamore, Sleepy Hollow...
amarthus said:
so again i ask... every movie in Finland and Russia(where ColdDarkNord is from) are just absolute masterpieces, right?
you see the difference between Finland and Russia is that America makes like 10 times the amount of movies that are made in those countries, so mathematically the odds are against America because it is so much larger than everyone else and there are so many more people making movies. the more of a product is made, the greater chance it has to be defective. it is not a question of culture but simply a question of population ratios.
I cant speak for finland, but I find that relatively to the amount of movies made in the last say.. 40 years Russia has produced quite alot of quality movies and miniseries.
Besides, if you have like 10000 movies in the US per year, its obvious that not much of them will be good, because its or quality or amount.
Third, and most important - I dont see why you get so pissed.... nobody insulted you or smtng like that, if you disagree thats cool but mustnt you forget that tastes tend to change from individual to individual and country to country... anyway as it was said already the thread has no connection to what were talking about. And according to what I see, everybody agree that that movie mucho sux.
Do somebody of you all know the first movie by Peter Jackson? I mean the one before Bad Taste?
There shall be one, but I never found a name or any other information... Perhaps the reason is that this movie wasn't shown in cinemas (at least its said so)....