Hair loss treatment, any success stories?


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
Hey guys,

So over the last few years my hairs been getting pretty thin on top, recently it's really been starting to get me down as I'm only 25.

Looking into the minoxidil & finpecia route. Though I'm worried that some people say they get shedding when they start and it never grows back.

Have any of you guys been through this and found anything that actually works? I really don't think I'd look good bald/shaved!
I started going bald at 19. I tried Rogaine back in the day and it didn't really help at all. I shave my head and luckily my head is a good shape for it. I do often miss having hair, though.
I'm not in the case, but if I can give you one good advice imo, is that it's better sometime to accept it and shave or cut very short, than to try to hide it at all cost. A lot of people look actually good, at least way better, when they shave their head, than with half a hair
Yeah exactly. Be bold and bald rather than doing this:


Devin actually looks 20 years younger now:


I wouldn't know about this though... my hair is thick as a bears ass.
^ But Devin has awesome music so it doesnt matter at all his look. Better than the good looking fags of the gaycore music. :heh:
My success story: Had long hair when i was teen, started balding in my 20s, shaved my head clean + obtained a bulky musclehead build = win.
Hair loss has been forced upon me twice so far, from the cancer treatments and Bone Marrow Transplants, so I sort of got used to seeing myself without hair. While I've grown it back, I've kept it short because it certainly is thinner than it used to be. I'm in the camp that nothing looks worse than trying to maintain the long hair look with thinning hair. While I'm sure treatment options have improved, ultimately I'd rather accept fate, and either cut it short or shave it.

Strangely enough, my capability to grow facial hair has improved since the cancer so I keep a good goatee going ;)
I started at 19. If there was a serious cure or treatment available, you wouldn't see any baldies around. Surprise, no such thing. Tried some myself, no dice. Most of the pills and stuff can cause erectile disfunction, low sperm production and a host of other bad things. The liquids cause itchiness and need to be applied constantly and consistently. What you're NOT told is, it's ongoing treatment - not an actual cure, and will continue to cost you until you croak. Not worth it. Wigs/plugs/glue is available, but fuck that.

Do what I did, shave that shit and embrace the sexiness. Nothing uglier than seeing a guy trying to hold onto his 'dignity' (fuck it looks ugly).
Do what I did, shave that shit and embrace the sexiness. Nothing uglier than seeing a guy trying to hold onto his 'dignity' (fuck it looks ugly).

Dead on.
Lost a good amount of hair upfront since 16. Tried growing it back, but it wouldn't look good in a ponytail, combing it was torture and worn free it would made me sweat unreasonably at the slightest temp change. I'm not suited for long hair and I keep that shit short, but I'm growing a braid on the back. ;) This style actually works for me, as in getting compliments from girls on the polar opposite of metal. I had this style before, but failed at maintaining it myself. S I shaved it and started from scratch. Experiment, dudes. :)
I've been on Finasteride 5-6 days a week for about a year now. I started thinning at the temples and having the front recede.
Finasteride has stopped any progress of losing more. It has not reversed it, but it certainly hasn't become worse. No side effects either for that matter.

It is something you have to take indefinitely, or until you care less, but small price to pay.

However, just like all of these things, YMMV.
Shave it off. People took me so much more serious once i got rid of my receding hairlines. Plus it saves money.
I'm in the shave it category. I started clipping it close a few years ago and I love it. Easy to maintain, no more paying for hair cuts, less time to get ready in the morning... win-win. I 2 or 3 blade my head every 2 weeks. Looks much better than how thin my hair would look when it was longer.
I've been on Finasteride 5-6 days a week for about a year now. I started thinning at the temples and having the front recede.
Finasteride has stopped any progress of losing more. It has not reversed it, but it certainly hasn't become worse. No side effects either for that matter.

It is something you have to take indefinitely, or until you care less, but small price to pay.

However, just like all of these things, YMMV.

Toupee or not Toupee ?
In all seriousness if there were a pill/shampoo that worked it would be better known than Viagra . Your only option is to do a Wayne Rooney ;)
yea i'm pretty sure there isn't much out there that actually reverses the loss...mostly just stops it from getting worse. really the only thing that truly restores it is transplants, which look dumb as shit cause then you have arm and back hair on your dome

i did see something about a year ago though about how there's experimental treatments being done where healthy follicles are pulled from your head, cloned, then implanted in place of the dead/non-functioning ones. this seems like the most surefire method, but probably a few years out until it's readily available, and will surely be expensive as fuck!
yea i'm pretty sure there isn't much out there that actually reverses the loss...mostly just stops it from getting worse. really the only thing that truly restores it is transplants, which look dumb as shit cause then you have arm and back hair on your dome

i did see something about a year ago though about how there's experimental treatments being done where healthy follicles are pulled from your head, cloned, then implanted in place of the dead/non-functioning ones. this seems like the most surefire method, but probably a few years out until it's readily available, and will surely be expensive as fuck!

The techniques they have are already quite expensive but they take follicles of the sides of your head because the hair there it´s much more stronger to the affected zones. Seems to work quite well and they say that the transplanted hair also grows.

To the OP, dont forget that "you are what you eat" and most of the time the hair loss comes from eating garbage. Food without much vitamins and proteins are not good for the hair. Of course that also could be a hereditary problem, but about that you cant do much.