Hair loss treatment, any success stories?

Just shave and be done with it. I started to lose my hair at a very young age but i started shaving so early so noone ever noticed haha. I got a super hot GF and i dont think she would have liked me if i had been doing the whole Devin Townsend thing.

And yes, you look so much younger if you shave, rather then looking like a monk.
I see people saying "shave it of instead of trying to hide it".. that makes no sense at all to me. :lol:
Isn't shaving your head the way to hide it instead of keeping the hair you have?

Keeping your hair: "Yeah, I'm going bald but i don't care!"
Shaving it off: "I'm not going bald, i just like bowling balls a whole lot!"
Yeah, I'd say shave it. I had a friend who tried literally everything to save his hair (he went on the most bizarre diet) but nothing really works.
I see people saying "shave it of instead of trying to hide it".. that makes no sense at all to me. :lol:
Isn't shaving your head the way to hide it instead of keeping the hair you have?

Keeping your hair: "Yeah, I'm going bald but i don't care!"
Shaving it off: "I'm not going bald, i just like bowling balls a whole lot!"

Well it's more about the options you have. I rather be shaved then look like a man in my 50's at the age of 25. In my opinion it just looks so much better.
yea i'm pretty sure there isn't much out there that actually reverses the loss...mostly just stops it from getting worse. really the only thing that truly restores it is transplants, which look dumb as shit cause then you have arm and back hair on your dome

That's....not how it works.

i did see something about a year ago though about how there's experimental treatments being done where healthy follicles are pulled from your head, cloned, then implanted in place of the dead/non-functioning ones. this seems like the most surefire method, but probably a few years out until it's readily available, and will surely be expensive as fuck!

That's...kind of how it works.

The office here in town that does transplants is one of the top rated in the country, and he takes hair from the back of your head, where almost everyone will have hair left, and relocates the follicles to the affected areas.
It's not terribly expensive, as far as plastic surgery goes, and I will probably get it done in the future, but it's a relatively easy and not horrifically painful way to restore hair.
Well it's more about the options you have. I rather be shaved then look like a man in my 50's at the age of 25. In my opinion it just looks so much better.

Well yeah, i won't argue with that(Some lucky few only look cool when they're balding though.).

The point was about people claiming that keeping your hair somehow meant that you where trying to hide your baldness, while cutting it off was embracing it.. to me that was VERY contradictive. :lol: