Happy Purim

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
Today PURIM is celebrated :) Its like a carnival and people dress up in funny costumes. Once there was a ahow were Orphaned Land were also dressed up. Unfortunately I never saw any pictures of this :Smug: I did however once see pictures of Eden dressed up as a girl and the most funny thing was that he looked very much like a real woman:rolleyes:
Have lots of fun y'all!

Many years ago after the Jewish temple was destroyed and the Jews were scattered around the world there was a bad but powerful leader with a long strange name Achashverosh in English Ahazu'irus. He lived in his palace in Shushan the capital of Persia.

Achashverosh decided to celebrate his third year in power by making a huge party and inviting hundreds of guests. At the party he and his guests got rather drunk. The king decided he wanted to show off his pretty wife and he called for Vashti to join the party. She refused to come because the men were so drunk. The king became very angry and he sent Vashti away and she was no longer his queen.

The king was lonely without a wife so he decided to hold a beauty contest to look for a new queen. The king's servants brought young beautiful girls from all over the world so he could chose a new queen. One of the most beautiful young ladies who came was Esther the Jewess. She was an orphan who was brought up by her uncle Mordechai who was an important and respected Jew, and one of the king's ministers. When the king saw Esther he immediately fell in love and chose her to be his new Queen

Achashverosh did not know that Esther was Jewish and Esther did not tell him. At that time the king had a very bad and wicked prime minister called Haman. He was an arrogant and proud man and made everyone bow down to him. Everybody listened to him except Mordechai the Jew, Esther's uncle, who said he would only bow down before God. This made Haman very very angry. It also made Haman hate all the Jewish people. Haman decided to kill all the Jewish people on one day. He chose the day they would all be killed by making a lottery with all the days of the year. (In Hebrew Purim is a lottery). The terrible day was to fall on the 13th of Adar.

Haman went to the king and asked permission to kill all the Jews and Achashverosh, who was not a good guy agreed. When the Jewish people heard this terrible decision they fasted and prayed for three days. But Mordechai had a better idea. He went to Esther and asked her to go to the king and cancel the order. Esther was very scared of the powerful king because she knew he did not like the Jews and also because Haman had a strong influence on him.

She fasted a whole day before she went to him. When the king saw her he pointed his scepter at her and said he was pleased to see her and that he loved her so much that he would even give her half his kingdom. She only asked that he and Haman would come to a party she was making for them.

That night the king couldn't sleep and so he asked one of his servants to read him from his book of memories. (His daily journal). The servant read him a story long forgotten of how Mordechai the Jew had saved his life when he discovered two of the king's guards planning to poison him. The king suddenly remembered that he had never rewarded Mordechai for saving his life.

Achashverosh was furious that Haman planned to kill the Jews, which included his beautiful Queen Esther, and her Uncle Mordechai who had saved his life. He cancelled the order and the Jews celebrated by hanging the wicked Haman and his horrible seven sons.

After that every year on the l4th of Adar the Jewish people celebrated Purim, the day they had been saved, and they sent gift baskets of food (mishloach manot) to their friends filled with special little cakes called Ozney Haman Haman's ears. The children especially enjoy the fun because they dress up and make a terrible noise with something called a gragger every time they hear the name Haman.
Then everybody will make the connection between dressing up and the story of Esther.

Indeed, everything here is disguised. From the name of "Esther" (meaning "Dissimulation") to the presence of God that can be felt in the book of Esther, but never explicitely mentionned.

This is why everybody dress up :)
It starts tomorrow night over here. In some cities (if they had were walled during the time of Joshua), they don't celebrate it until Monday.

The only thing I really like about this holiday is that you are obligated to get wasted, which is like one of the only things I still keep

When I was a kid, me and my friends used to use fire crackers and stuff like that to make noise.

Happy holiday everyone. Remember to try not to drive on Sunday if you are drinking
Here we celebrate Carnival, the last party before Cuaresma (Lent). But I think in all cultures there is some celebration at the end of winter. In Valencia we have Fallas of course!!!
happy purim y'all
btw, when was the st. patrick's day? maybe i'll go to the irish pub in here and get wasted with guinness. well, i guess i'd just have a guinness and then regular "efes" beer. guinness is too expensive in here.
Drinking booze with a chicken breast roasted in garlic, sweet onions, bell peppers, thyme, rosemarry and cumin > everything else
happy purim y'all
btw, when was the st. patrick's day? maybe i'll go to the irish pub in here and get wasted with guinness. well, i guess i'd just have a guinness and then regular "efes" beer. guinness is too expensive in here.

Is in March the 17th or 18, I don't remember exactly.
This thread is becoming muy interesante!!! Matte, beer, yerba... Y queso?
What a man need for living?:kickass: :Smokin: o_O
Here we celebrate Carnival, the last party before Cuaresma (Lent). But I think in all cultures there is some celebration at the end of winter. In Valencia we have Fallas of course!!!

does anyone else have the erge to open a Chocolaterie?
sorry too many movies:lol: