Hardcore Music?


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
At my school there is a bunch of people starting to like hardcore... they dress up w/ they dress like they are a girl and have those stupid little bags with their buttons on them... i despise these guys... i hate hardcore music... it annoys the hell outta me... anybody else feel the same way... why cant they look normal...?
I used to like hardcore a lot, but I never dressed like it, and I sure as hell wasn't straightedge. The way hardcore kids dress doesn't bother me, though I think it looks stupid; people can dress the way they want. What does bother me are straightedge kids that draw Xs on their hands and hatefully glare at guys who are drinking a beer or smoking a cigarette at shows. Sometimes they'll even go as far as to start fights about it, and even use weapons when they're fighting.
Life Sucks said:
What does bother me are straightedge kids that draw Xs on their hands and hatefully glare at guys who are drinking a beer or smoking a cigarette at shows. Sometimes they'll even go as far as to start fights about it, and even use weapons when they're fighting.

I don't drink or smoke etc. but I fucking hate the militant Straightedge crowd.
They're no better than the burn outs who walk around with "Free The Weed" t-shirts and the such.
I don't drink or smoke etc. but I fucking hate the militant Straightedge crowd.
They're no better than the burn outs who walk around with "Free The Weed" t-shirts and the such.

I totally agree. Just because you choose not to drink or smoke doesn't give you the right to preach your ideals on to others. Personally, I don't drink or smoke, but I leave it at that. As for the hardcore genre, there are a few hardcore bands worth checking out, especially if you're into heavy music like metal. Some bands I recommend are Every Time I Die, Unearth, Converge, 7 Angels 7 Plagues, Darkest Hour, and old Poison the Well. Also, the people who supposedly "dress hardcore" are stupid and infantile. Music should NEVER be categorized as a fashion.
I also used to be hardcore, was, and still am straightedge. But im not militant about it, actually, i dont give a flying fuck what anyone else does. Most of my friends are drunks, so it shows how much i care about that shit. Militant sXe and vegan kids piss me the hell off though, as well as 100% of the hardcore scene now, including the barrage of shitty hardcore bands that exist. Fuck hardcore.

As for the bands you mentioned Disciple of Plato, i honestly dont like any of those band, i used to like unearth converge darkest hour and poison the well. Its pretty obvious after hearing the new cd why i hate poison the well, I realized about 6 months ago tha all darkest hour does is rip off at the gates and do it poorly, converge is too sloppy most of the time, and i saw unearth the other week, and they are compeltely terrible now. Their drummer kept messing up all the time, and all their new songs have no flow or structure to them it just goes "Verse breakdown verse breakdown breakdown breakdown, tough tough slow breakdown"
I Dont care for hardcore that much. I do however like converge, it you would classify them as hardcore. A very large majority of hardcore does suck the big one and they have no talent.
I dislke Hardcore, pretty much, completely. There are some bands out there that are not half bad, but I hate the whole "image" that goes along with Hardcore. These kids are such dumbasses, especially when spotted in a mosh pit. You can pick them out with ease because they are the only fags swinging their arms around in circles like spun monkies.
I fucking hate most hardcore. The reason I say just most is because I actually found one that I like called Reflux, mainly because they play guitar solos (a rarety in hardcrap) and I saw the at a Metal/hardcore show. I do like a few things about hardcore. 1) Its heavy, atleast its not tottally pussy. 2) Its contributed to metalcore which I like 3) the breakdowns, some of them use them to much, but breakdowns, if used in moderation, are cool. I do hate most hardcore kids too. They dress up like a bunch of fucking women man. My friend knows quite afew and he actually knows one that orders some of his close from a womens catalog.
The thing that bothers me the most about hardcore fags is how they behave in the pit. Thier is no fucking loyalty among em. When they get in their, they do this lame kicking and swinging arm shit which is just lame because they kick or swing like that their head is far away from the action and my head isn't (cause I pit like supposed to) gets hit. Theres no comradre with them. They are like the Skin heads at slayer show (fucking assholes), they pit to fucking hurt you, not to release. I mean when the song ends, I pat the guy's back next to me, It theraputic and its a release. Hardcore kids have this fucking "kick you when your down" mentallity. Because of how they act, I've seen fights break out between metalheads and hardcore kids. The crowds just don't fucking mix but most venders don't know that. To them whats the difference between the Crown and Darkest hour, its heavy music. (btw, i saw DH with the crown and a fight erupted. Darkest hour is shitty band live any way)
swizzlenuts said:
At my school there is a bunch of people starting to like hardcore... they dress up w/ they dress like they are a girl and have those stupid little bags with their buttons on them... i despise these guys... i hate hardcore music... it annoys the hell outta me... anybody else feel the same way... why cant they look normal...?

agreed. although the funny thing is that i have some friends in that community, but even then, its not like i go out and hang with them all the time, mainly due to the fact of our differences in interests. and yeah, as far as how they dress, it really doesn't bother me, but man it can get so stupid at times that i can't help but wonder why. as far as the music, i will admit that i liked hatebreed at one point in my life, but just like with six feet under, it just started to loose my attention with the more "ear carving" i did with some of their albums. as far as annoying me, all i have to say that if they land on me at a metal show, i will kick/throw/punch/ and even slap a submission lock on them if they land on me, if you get my drift. as far as them looking normal, all i have to say it's their gig.
MetalHeadMarc said:
Hardcore kids have this fucking "kick you when your down" mentallity. Because of how they act, I've seen fights break out between metalheads and hardcore kids. The crowds just don't fucking mix but most venders don't know that. To them whats the difference between the Crown and Darkest hour, its heavy music. (btw, i saw DH with the crown and a fight erupted. Darkest hour is shitty band live any way)

wholeheartedly agreed. a great vast majority of hardcore fans are dishonorable to the core. and you are right about the venders (which is the promoter), but its done mainly to draw a good number of people to the venue for the $$$$$$$$$.
I like hardcore a lot! I don't dress hardcore-ish, but I am straight edge. I've never tried to push my ideologies onto others, though, and I never will. Perhaps Swedish/Norwegian hardcore (that's what I mainly like) is different to American HC. Check out bands like Raised Fist, Refused, Misconduct and Amulet to get the real deal. And the American bands Straightfaced, 7 Seconds, Kid Dynamite and Gorilla Biscuits.
MetalHeadMarc said:
they pit to fucking hurt you, not to release

wow, that's a really ignorant thing to say. you think all the hard work that bands, labels, and kids who book shows put into the scene is just so they can beat people up? of course there are assholes in the pit, there always are and same with metal, but all the hardcore kids there are like that? either talahasse really really sucks or you're just bullshitting which i'm guessing you are.

MetalHeadMarc said:
Hardcore kids have this fucking "kick you when your down" mentallity.

never have i seen in any hardcore show a person who fell down and wasn't immedietely helped up.
tal shiar agent 930 said:
wholeheartedly agreed. a great vast majority of hardcore fans are dishonorable to the core.

what the fuck? can you back this up with evidence?

and i'm not even that into hardcore but you kids have an entirely wrong idea of what hardcore is.
food tastes good said:
and i'm not even that into hardcore but you kids have an entirely wrong idea of what hardcore is.

Hardcore doesnt really exist anymore anyway, so it doesnt matter. The current incarnation of the hardcore scene is a bunch of retarted emo-metal bands or tough guy wanna be madball-ripoffs

Hardcore died when raybeez did in 97
food tastes good said:
what the fuck? can you back this up with evidence?

and i'm not even that into hardcore but you kids have an entirely wrong idea of what hardcore is.

they have a value system very similar to the whole gangsta/rap bullshit that we all see so much in mtv, with the exception that hardcore fans/bands have it toned downed, and on top of it, tend to hold values where it has to be a total gang up against a single person during a good old fashion fist fight. on top of it, they also happen to be the most bigoted community in the whole rock (meaning, METAL, punk, hardcore) community. need i say more?
tal shiar agent 930 said:
they have a value system very similar to the whole gangsta/rap bullshit that we all see so much in mtv, with the exception that hardcore fans/bands have it toned downed, and on top of it, tend to hold values where it has to be a total gang up against a single person during a good old fashion fist fight. on top of it, they also happen to be the most bigoted community in the whole rock (meaning, METAL, punk, hardcore) community. need i say more?

what's the gangsta/rap value system? and where is their bigotry?