Hardcore SX addiction


Mar 9, 2010
Albany, NY
I simply can't stop listening to this band! I used to just casually listen to V every weekend or so but now that I heard Paradise Lost it's like daily! I listen when I wake up, on the bus to school, during study halls and lunch, on the bus ride home, when i get home, before i go to bed it's insane!

Does anyone else REALLY REALLY like this band's music? I hear a lot of people saying they like Dream Theater more which I think is bullshit yeah DT can play faster and more technical but I think SX's lyrics and Russel's voice are WAY more emotional and deeper than Labrie's screeching. And the atmosphere with the bass and Romeo's guitar is just unbelievable!

Here's hoping the next album comes out this year :kickass:
Nice to meet people who "get it." :headbang:

I've been listing to this band for eight years. Other bands go in and out of season for me, some I don't listen to at all anymore, but Symphony X has stayed with me. Seen them live twice and I have to say, they've been a huge musical inspiration.
Is DT even more technical? Anyway yeah I used to listen to their music nonstop, first The Odyssey over and over and then V/DWoT...not so much nowadays, but I think that's just because I have so much other great music competing for its time, not because it sounds worse to my ears. Honestly I don't really listen to PL though. There's just always something else I'd rather listen to at any given moment.
I wanna see them live terribly! I can't believe I missed it when they came just a few steps from my house 3 years ago. I was only 14 I didn't know what was good. And yeah DT fans won't shut the fuck up about how great Petrucci is and how he can play at like 300 mph with his eyes closed standing on his nose. I have 7 DT bootlegs and although they are great by today's standards, they look so bored when they play and non of them look like they are into the music, like they just play what they have to play then walk off stage and take their pay checks. Labrie's voice in concert is often horrendous too.

I can't think of any other band that sounds anything as good as SX. I remember my trip to LA last summer and sitting in the air plane flying over the desert and looking out the window while listening to Church of the Machine. When I listen to their music I imagine something like a movie playing. I think the beginning of the Odyssey album was great and the final epic was fantastic but the middle of the album did slow down a bit. Divine Wings and V in my opinion still tie as the best.

Paradise Lost isn't really a new direction though it sounds just as heavy as Damnation Game. Maybe they are repeating the cycle and the next album will sound like Divine Wings :)
I agree with you! Symphony X is insanely awesome. One of my fav bands EVAR! Yes and Symphony X has some of the best Bass guitar EVER! Most bass players make bass look interesting but Mike blows me away with the solos. Same with the Romeo's skill with the guitar. The lyrics and singing are epic also. Oh and did i mention the drumming and keyboard? The drumming is unique and amazing. The Keyboards are awesome cuz the solos (which no one else does the same way). Another band I really enjoy is Theocracy. Try their stuff off of the newest album, Mirror of Souls. :headbang:
I played The Odyssey to death when it came out, and then some. That and all the rest of their albums before that(minus the s/t) were(and are) like crack. I played PL a lot too in the beginning but it just doesn't have the same shelf life as the others. That doesn't mean I don't like it; it's just not something I am super excited to put in my CD player all the time.

But yeah, I agree with you. Symphony X are my saving grace and are one of the few things that have made life worth living.
Great band, so is Dream Theater, Fates Warning, Savatage and Threshold

then theres other "stuff", music is a rainbow
gr8 thread for me...but writing is not enough to explain that addiction thing..Symphony X is more than listening and understanding to me..My life is more involved with this name :)
yeah DT can play faster and more technical

I can't really see what makes you say this...Having listened to all records from both bands, I can tell all these guys can play anything they want to. The technical level is very similar in the 2 bands.