Hardcore SX addiction

I am a fan of both Symphony X and Dream Theater. Is there really a problem with Dt's shredding? I enjoy it. Doesn't mean they're better than Sx or that Sx is better than Dt. Even though I prefer Allen over Labrie, Labrie is still an amazing vocalist.

P.s I Enjoyed Systematic Chaos much more than I enjoyed Six Degrees of inner Turbulence. That album is is a tad overrated, Imo. (Though The Dark Eternal Night is still cringe worthy...) Also, this is my first post. Hey forums.
There's a saying that any argument, given long enough time to develop, will be reduced to idiotic name-calling and inevitably someone will compare someone else to Adolf.

It seems in this particular genre of music, the same can be said of the legacy of Dream Theater. Frankly I think the comparison of method is quite accurate, given that neither has even minuscule effect on present events.
There's a saying that any argument, given long enough time to develop, will be reduced to idiotic name-calling and inevitably someone will compare someone else to Adolf.

Yes. Also known as Godwin's Law. Widely used daily on college campuses, coffee houses, bars, and message boards everywhere.

That said, anyone who disagrees with my pole metaphor is a racist homophobe worse than Hitler. :heh: