Has SX hit their creative peak?

:rolleyes: Yes thay have had their early inspired years go past. The band is 14+ yrs old. The early years are typically the most origional, most inspired, best physical abilities, ect. ect. ect. youth is great treasure it. Sometimes there is something to be said for maturity too when it comes to writting but I dont believe SX showed much of the immature side seen in other styles of music

I cant think of a single occasion of an older established band becoming a new ground breaker. I cant think of a single band that does not become redundant in one way or the other after being around for over a decade and doing 6-7 extensive recordings. I cant think of one band that can record a new album and not get slagged by someone who knows better then the musicians themselves... exactly what it was they should have done instead, what they did wrong, what sucks, whats filler, what has to be quickly removed from the CD player and thrown out the window, running straight to the internet to tell everyone you dont know how much and in what way such and such SUCKS because you know exactly what piece of music is better. So in summary, whatever Symphony X releases next time there is going to be a bunch of whiners that it is not good enough for and others that will accept it as simply another piece of work, and others that will think its the greatest thing since sliced cheese.

Totally agree with you.

The French have a very appropriate saying: "La critique est facile. L'art difficile.", meaning "It is easier to criticise than to create."
I thought Their first two albums (with the exception of the Edge of Forever) were horrible, and that they havnt gotten better or worse since DWOT. Its cool though because they really dont NEED to get better.