Harry Potter!!!!!!


  • BLOODY EXCELLENT - THE Movie and the books rock

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • OK- i enjoyed the book

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • YOU WHAT??? HARRY WHO??????

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • AN absolute load of rubbish, another way of getting people to spnd money

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


Real World's Mad Girl
YAY i got to see this last night - at last !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was wicked - even though it did miss out some parts from the book.

i have now decided that i would love to get a broom and join a quidditch team!!!!!!!!!!!

It was brilliant - i got so excited during the match that i nearly cheered out loud in the cinema!!!!!!!!

im definately going to have to see it again!!!!

Have any of u seen it at all??

post your vote - what do u think of harry potter- have u read any books?????????

Im gonna wait for it to come out on video myself... as its a 12 mile trip to the cinema.. costs a lot of money!!! I have to be COMPLETELY sure ill like the film. Unless i can read the books intime, in which case ill go along, as a lot of my mates who have taste in books like em.

Still got book 6,7 & 8 of the wheel of time yet! :eek:
well I haven't quited grasped reading yet, and I never watch films that are hyped as much as this one has been, I'll wait for it to be shown on telly (probably Christmas 2004, but I have a good deal of patience) and vote then. Will you still care ?
Harry Potter is excellent. Unforunately, the Christian idiocy around here has decided that he's promoting witchcraft and now they're fucking protesting. I wish the conservatives would just fucking die over here, they're so irritating with their war and propaganda...

I'm not going to rant....not going to rant...must....not.........rant....
WTF is up with some of these Christian protestors?!?

I haven't read the book or seen the film but I'm pretty sure it's got nothing to do witchcraft. Not that most people would know anything about witchcraft if it danced naked around a wire in front of them:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Diamond Dave
WTF is up with some of these Christian protestors?!?

I haven't read the book or seen the film but I'm pretty sure it's got nothing to do witchcraft. Not that most people would know anything about witchcraft if it danced naked around a wire in front of them:rolleyes:

It's only gotten worse since the Plane-ing. There are all these signs around w/stuff like "Memo from God: American under new management." and shit like that. It makes me want to fucking puke. People like Jerry Falwell make me want to fucking puke.
Originally posted by Diamond Dave
Is Jerry Falwell that guy who said the events of Sept 11th happened because of the large number of Americans who weren't white, heterosexual, Christian males?

Actually, he blamed it on homosexuals, non-christians and abortionists who are "tearing at the moral fiber" of America. He has since apologised for these comments because they were "insensitive." I hate that man. He runs a segregated college campus. That shit is psychotic.
This all got ever so deep!!!!!!!!!!
but i do see ur points !!
its got bugger all to do with witch craft really - admittedly they are at a wizard school. but i think its not much different to the Enid blyton boarding school stories. its kids at school having adventures- it just happens to be that they wear pointy hats and talk about spells and potions.
its about as rediculous as saying that all metallers practise satanism!!out of the hundreds of metallers i know - i know 2 who actually practise it !!!!!!!!!

im going to say that i agree with lakis ( man with a ruined rock image lol )
the book is better because it doesnt miss anything out!!!!

I do think its a great film though,

Hermione was an annoying trout!!!! and ron's face was constantly pulling expressions- how odd!!!!!!! He reminded me of a certain guitarist person cuz he kept saying WICKED!!!!!!!!
i agree that potter himself was a bit wooden.

I quite liked the quidditch team captain, Wood . he was very clean cut - ( no doubt im going to get slated for this appaling taste in men l. s. o.l!!)
It was pointed out to me that he was probably meant to be about 14 - EEK! too young for me !!! ( im meant to set a good example !!) lol