Hattrick - online football manager

Tenfold, because I got his username and password :grin:

No problem about the pink glass, I was just kidding...
You know you were the only mortal ever to be offered its unholy power, therefore you have a right to speak about it :)

Back to business, will you share with us your ideas on efficient training, or will you remain the arrogant asshole telling me to switch to English on the main page? :mad: ;)
Originally posted by IRoN

No problem about the pink glass, I was just kidding...
You know you were the only mortal ever to be offered its unholy power, therefore you have a right to speak about it :)

Not really the only one, really.
If I remember well, that pink glass stood in our bedroom (for Ivan in case he got thirsty at nights). One night I was to lazy to go to the bathroom, so I just pissed in that.

I just felt like I had to tell it sooner or later, so here you go. Sorry 'bout that
Originally posted by Eclipse

If I remember well, that pink glass stood in our bedroom (for Ivan in case he got thirsty at nights). One night I was to lazy to go to the bathroom, so I just pissed in that.

I'm sorry but you remember it wrong. At nights, no matter what happens, the pink glass is always kept locked in a safe. You were obviously spellbound by the nocturnal power of the pink, and you most probably pissed in your pants through the haunted visions of the glass.
Originally posted by Eclipse

If I remember well, that pink glass stood in our bedroom (for Ivan in case he got thirsty at nights). One night I was to lazy to go to the bathroom, so I just pissed in that.

:lol: not really because I thought I didn't have the strength the accept Iron's generous offer to drink from the Pink Glass. Therefore, it couldn't have stood by my bed at night :)

On the other hand, you don't wanna know what REALLY was inside that köfte (or what) Umut and I brought to you when you were waiting for us near the sea in Istanbul one night :grin:

ps: are you a pussy or you have your team already? :mad:
Originally posted by IRoN

I'm sorry but you remember it wrong. At nights, no matter what happens, the pink glass is always kept locked in a safe. You were obviously spellbound by the nocturnal power of the pink, and you most probably pissed in your pants through the haunted visions of the glass.

:lol: :lol: :lol: oh Umy :lol: :zombie:
Originally posted by IRoN
Tenfold, because I got his username and password :grin:

Lol but be careful with his password because the gamemasters can kick you out if they find out :p

Back to business, will you share with us your ideas on efficient training, or will you remain the arrogant asshole telling me to switch to English on the main page? :mad: ;)

My God, can't you faqing open the FAQ and Rules pages?! :mad: But first, switch to ENGLISH :grin:

Seriously, I'd probably go for the general training for 2-3 weeks because the form is very important! A solid striker with weak for is no better than an inadequate one with solid form!
Then, I'd train stamina for 1-2 weeks (that's what I'm doing now) because it greatly influences the performance in the second half.
When the stamina is OK too, you should check which skill improvement would be the best for your squad and then stick to that training type until the skills iprove (may take several weeks).
Read what they say about the training on the Hattrick page in addition, and then you'll know about the training just as much as I do :)
Every 4 seasons there is a hattrick world cup with the national teams too :)

We should give time to Jan to get used to the tricks. I say we could start the BB competition in 2 weeks perhaps?

Umy, really, will you have access after august? :cry:
I'll just hand in my team to my sister. She can look after my kids for 8 months (hopefully) and kick everyone's ass in any bb tournament :)

At the moment, Barbi has a cup match with 1-1 half-time score.
Our friendly with NV is also 1-1 at half time, but I have to say ours has been a pretty dull match. My squad on the field has an average age of 21, playing its first match with 3-5-2, utterly confused, creating only one chance with 69% ball possession in 45 mins :cry:
Well that's the only thing left to do then; but beware maybe your boys will rather stick to her when our veteran arrives after 8 (i said EEEEEEEEEEEEIGHT :mad: ) fucking months!!!!! ;)

I'm rushing to the HT site to follow your games :)
Fuck you Gültekin Göyünc!!! Barbi is losing at the moment :(

Don't worry Umy I heard you spent the half-time break getting a rerun of the teams tactical organization, so by Saturday the overall team experience with 352 will be passable I think!
I guess he didn't intentionally pick that formation. He must have made a mistake somewhere, because he has been telling me that his opponent was very strong and he had to take precautions. 2 men in defence is not exactly precaution, so...

Btw, starting with general training then proceeding with stamina is not entirely logical, is it? After all, you apply general training to push the form up, but right after that you apply stamina training which deteriorates form somewhat :confused: