Hattrick - online football manager

Well, last time we played in Trabzon.
And according to the proposed schedule, we shall be playing in Germany this time :confused:

Also, shall we be challenging according to normal mode or the cup mode? The cup mode brings slightly more revenue, but has a slightly more danger for injury... If we play the cup mode, we could have 2 pts for a normal win and 1 pt for a penalty victory... could be more fun :)
Oh sorry then Umy, play as the fixture says :o I thought the game was in Trabzon :zombie: So of course book the game for Berlin!
For my it's OK to play the friendlies with Cup rules although we've already booked our game with Baris with normal rules. :( But no problem, I will have a normal victory anyway :grin: So everybody book your games in Cup mode!
Normal victory: 3 points
Penalty-shootout winner: 2 points
Penalty-shootout loser: 1 point
Normal loser: 0 points.

I have to tell you though that this point system is my nighmare since 1988/89. Videoton would have won its first Hungarian Championship with the 2-1-0 point rule or the 3-1-0 point rule are with any other fucking rules on this fucking planet EXCEPT this fucking 3-2-1-0 :mad: :mad: :mad: So, with the highest numbers of victory, best goal difference andeverything we've finished on the 4th place just because the boys could only win 1 penalty shootout out of 4... While the official champions had many less victories but got all the 2 points from fucking penalty-shootouts... :cry:

Clipsy: Can't wait to bring you down to Earth :lol: If you have any question - just read the rules :lol: Or ask here baby :)

Oh Umy about the training (the training update is always at Thursday 23:00 CET)! I trained stamina at 93%.
- 6 players' form fell (but only 2 of them real quality players)
- 2 players' form actually ROSE (both very promising and young (19 and 21 years)
- the stamina of 19 players rose (out ouf 23); for the rest it didn't change (2 of them already had excellent stamina and 1 had solid!)
- the value of 18 players have risen, of 3 have fallen, 1 hasnét changed. The avarage player value of the squad has risen by 2 million forints ($10.000)! For one young player the value has risen by 6.5 million forints ($32.000)!!

Nice eh? :)
I began to "hate" hattrick..:mad:
And I think umut began to like it too much...He laughed his arseoff yesterday...:(
My club is being plundered online and I can't do anything...
Wahahaha they are all Belgians aren't they? ;)

Look around in the transfer market, download HAM and read the ABC of Tactics (I gave the links on the 3rd page I think) and the Rules. And set your line-up for the weekend's game :)
Not a bad idea to improve the stadium to around 15.000.
Hire 4-5 assistant managers 2-3 goaltending coaches, few spokepersons etc. The only thing you dont need at all right now are economists. They're only needed by Baris, very badly :lol: I checked Umut's transfer history :lol:
It's very strange that the bidings were raised automatically...
I think there is a bug or someone played a joke to us..
I saw my club plundered online and couldn't do anything..:cry:
----- Original Message -----
From: hattrick@extralives.com
To: melter@superonline.com
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: Got trouble

Hello Baris,

We looked into the matter, you are right. Hacker team is Catastrophe from Canada (banned twice before), who has been removed from the game. We can not give your players back, but we will award Fc Karadeniz 200K for having warned us. Please sell back Cenk Kaur as soon as possible. Good luck on the league.

Gamemaster Sam.

Received a couple of mins ago...
It seems Sam hasn't got the complete picture but I liked the "200K to Karadeniz" part anyway :grin:

Don't worry, I've written back to tell him to award the money to the Barbarians :)
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :u-huh: :mad:
:bah: :cry: :waah: :(
Ivi, it is only natural that you do not understand. Even a Hattrick Gamemaster has failed to grasp the situation. If you really want a confession, here's one: I'll laugh my ass off if I'm awarded 200K and Barbi goes bankrupt :s
But... wait... I'm already laughing my ass off :grin: