Hattrick - online football manager

Hmmm... and why did he call you Baris in the e-mail to melter@superonline?? :confused:

Probably Viking is still celebrating that lucky 8-0 :lol:
Well if he won't show up and accept the friendly then we'll award that earlier 4-1 the official UM CUp game status. Is that fair enough? :p
I won 5-0 with walk over again :(
I'm leading my group with better goal difference but it's gonna be very tough to win promotion...
Anyway I'll try out a new tactics and tricky formation against Barbi this Wednesday. I have high expectations!!!!

Clipsy I'll check your game and comment it soon. If it were against a human team this 4-2 is a nice result anyway. Especially with a such fucked up squad as yours! :eek: :heh:
Well it was 2-1 in the half time huh! :)
You could have won the game on the wings (the guy had 3 inner midfielders and no winger). Of course this is easy to say afterwards :)
Well uhh, Clipsy, buy some quality players that's the secret :)
Originally posted by Evilho
Hmmm... and why did he call you Baris in the e-mail to melter@superonline?? :confused:

That is the point! Sammy gets it all wrong :)
I tried to restate the situation and direct the prize money to Barbarians, but I hope it will not work and I will reluctantly (!) end up with an extra 200K :grin:

Btw, Clipsy, I've issued a challenge for your team, just in case Viking does not show up till tomorrow evening... Please wait till 19:00 CET tomorrow and then accept the challenge if Viking is still not around. I have to kick someone's ass this Wednesday, and Belgian ass is preferred :)
For whatever reason, 1 TL is equal to 1 Euro in the game :s
That makes 200K a nice sum of money I guess.

And Baris, you are the disaster here. You have kidnapped my first-choice keeper at almost zero cost and now you dare complain about the transfer! :mad:
Don't come over me...Otherwise I'll cry...
What is happening..?
Where did I do smthing wrong to the Football Gods...?
1.)My hattrick club plundered...
2.)A fucking referee fucked up brazil-turkey match..
3.)yesterday I was injured terribly while playing soccer..
:cry: :waah: :(
I got injured from my knee but it is getting well quickly..
I am not able to walk properly because of the pain...

I am prepared for my game...I gave the orders and waiting for you...You will have the chance of playing at home..But I'll beat you..:heh:
Originally posted by IRoN
The Cup needs a change in fixtures...
Viking didn't show up, so my losers play Jan's losers in Trabzon.

Grrr ! of course my players will play like shit tomorrow; they're nowhere near the hotel. I bet they've just entered the first party house they saw on the road, and are hunting down Turkish chicks in stead of concetrating on their jobs :mad: :mad:

as manager, as team :o
Oh really ivy?
So I must try all my inexpirienced players which are instructed to play hard tackling so your A-team will be injured and destroyed..:heh: